Gloria: A Tech

Ok, one of the many things that I do is technical theater. The project I’m currently working on is a production of Gloria: A Life being mounted by OffBook Productions. One of the annoying things about the show, however, is that it specifies all sorts of media but doesn’t give you any clue about where to find these video and audio recordings. So, as a service to other audio/video techs who might be working on mounting a production of this amazing show, I’m providing a bunch of links to where I found things. Why should all this work go to waste once our production is over?

Audio/Video Cues I found (I’m building this list as I go through the show):

  • page 7: Gloria saying “What we are talking about is a revolution, and not a reform” to the 2017 Women’s March on Washington
    Gloria quote is in this trailer: MAKERS: Women Who Make America Trailer (1:30-1:34)
    March on Washington:

  • page 8: Historical footage of women from the 1950s: women dance around their appliances in shirtwaists and high heels; Father Known Best clips; women dreamily stroke their washing machines with hypnotized smiles on their faces. Ends with an image: “She’ll be happier with a Hoover.”

    None of these are perfect sources for the described video clips, but they’re a start.

  • page 16: Historical footage of Bunny training session
    Playboy Bunny Girls & The Playboy Club (Original 1960s Footage)
    costuming sequence (1:30-1:49)
    training, “the dip”, & Bunny Mother (2:28-3:02)

    British Bunny girls at the Chicago Playboy Club
    The first 0:40 of this video pretty much mirrors the action on the bottom of page 16 through the top of page 17: the training alternating between “low carry” and “high carry”, and then singing Reveille to make the Bunnies move faster.

  • page 56: Historical footage of Dan Rather interviewing President Nixon on TV
    Dan Rather: “Some political leaders and some others have taken to not addressing women by Miss or Mrs, but they’ve got to Ms—M-S. Why not do that with White House letters?”
    Nixon: “I guess I’m a little old-fashioned, but I rather prefer the Miss or Mrs.”

    The interview was on January 2, 1972, and can be found in its entirety at . The interaction about the use of Ms is the last thing in the interview.

  • page 56: Cut away from interview to a photo of President Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Gloria listens to the audio of their conversation:

    Nixon: “He asked a silly goddamn question about ‘Ms.,’ you know what I mean?”
    Kissinger: “Yea.”
    Nixon: “Mrs. or Miss. For shit’s sake, how many people really have read Gloria Steinem and give one shit about that?”
    Kissinger: “Yea, yea, yea, yea.”

    Many thanks to Michael Greco at the UVA Miller Center for pointing me at this one; the conversation the clip is in isn’t downloadable by itself, but the tape it’s on (642) is available in three two hour chunks. The chunk you want is 642 B around 54 minutes, 42 seconds. To give credit where credit is due, it’s my wife, Kay Koch, who went through the audio to find the right spot.

  • page 57: Historical footage of John Chancellor on NBC TV: “‘Ms.’ has now been added to the U.S. Government list of acceptable prefixes. ‘Ms.’, says the government, is an ‘optional female title without marital designation.”

    Still looking for a source for this.

  • page 63: Historical footage of Phyllis Schlafly: “A major goal of their movement is to establish the homosexuals and the lesbians as just as respectable, just as entitled to rights and privileges under our system as husbands and wives.” “I think this is breeding a new type of social disorder. I think it is promoting a new type of narcissism and it is an attack on the family and the basic unit of our society.”

    YOUTUBE (30:30 – 30:43) (31:48 – 32:05) Again, it’s Kay who found this.

  • page 64: Historical footage of Latina woman: “Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional. Deportation of mothers of American-born children must be stopped, and legislation enacted for parents to remain with their children.” start around 41:32, found by Kay
  • page 67: Historical footage of Ronald Reagan speech: “Abortion on demand now takes the lives of up to one and a half million unborn children a year. Human life legislation ending this tragedy will someday pass the Congress, and you and I must never rest until it does.” (13:35-14:00)

  • page 67-68: Gloria’s fiftieth birthday party

    Still looking for a source for this.