My Mastodon Feed
Mastodon bridged for Bluesky
My Mastodon profile viewable in Bluesky via Bridgy Fed

PacKay Productions
My wife's and my puppet productions!
Currently on a hiatus from new content, but we hope to be making new videos soon!

My GitHub repositories

Open-source secure messaging and file-sharing with end-to-end encryption.

My Instagram profile
This is mostly an account for me to follow accounts; I don't post much here.

My YouTube profile

My Tumblr profile

For now, I'm still on the Bird Site
In my opinion, Twitter's gone downhill since it was bought and gutted. I only go back for two things: to read tweets from specific people, which I find by going to their direct Twitter URL, or searching on the #NWSL or #USWNT hashtags.