Perl Weekly Challenge: Min/Maxing your Senior Citizens

Another week, another Perl Weekly Challenge!

Task 1: Min Max

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar

You are given an array of distinct integers.

Write a script to find all elements that is neither minimum nor maximum. Return -1 if you can’t.

Example 1

Input: @ints = (3, 2, 1, 4)
Output: (3, 2)

The minimum is 1 and maximum is 4 in the given array. So (3, 2) is neither min nor max.

Example 2

Input: @ints = (3, 1)
Output: -1

Example 3

Input: @ints = (2, 1, 3)
Output: (2)

The minimum is 1 and maximum is 3 in the given array. So 2 is neither min nor max.

I’m taking some liberties with this one; it says to return -1 if there aren’t elements in the input array that are neither the minimum or the maximum. I’d prefer to return an empty list, but OK, I’ll do as it asks. But because the requested output cites both the minimum and maximum value, I figure the function I write should return those as well.

Which means returning multiple values from the function and unpacking them into individual variables, which Perl does very well. I whipped up this function to do the work being requested:

sub neither_min_nor_max {
  my $min = min @_; # find the minimum value
  my $max = max @_; # find the maximum value

  # grep preserves the order of the array, it just
  # passes along the elements that meet the criteria
  my @neither = grep { $_ != $min && $_ != $max } @_;
  if (@neither) {
    # if we have elements, pass them back in an array reference
    return ($min, $max, \@neither);
  else {
    # otherwise, pass back the requested -1
    return ($min, $max, -1);

And calling that function and getting back three different values is easy-peasy:

my ($min, $max, $neither) = neither_min_nor_max(@ints);

Really, the rest of the code is presentation: making the output look like Mohammad asked for in stating the problem. However, I decided I didn’t want to present a single value by itself like he did in example 3: I wanted it to still have parenthesis so you could see that it was a value in an array.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.38;

use Lingua::EN::Inflexion qw( verb );
use List::Util qw( min max );

sub array_join {
  return '(' . join(', ', @_) . ')';

sub neither_min_nor_max {
  my $min = min @_; # find the minimum value
  my $max = max @_; # find the maximum value

  # grep preserves the order of the array, it just
  # passes along the elements that meet the criteria
  my @neither = grep { $_ != $min && $_ != $max } @_;
  if (@neither) {
    # if we have elements, pass them back in an array reference
    return ($min, $max, \@neither);
  else {
    # otherwise, pass back the requested -1
    return ($min, $max, -1);

sub solution {
  my @ints = @_;
  say 'Input: @ints = ' . array_join(@ints);

  my ($min, $max, $neither) = neither_min_nor_max(@ints);

  print 'Output: ';
  if ( ref($neither) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
    # if we were passed back an array reference,
    # print it like an array
    say array_join(@$neither);

    # inflect the verb!
    my $is = @$neither == 1
           ? verb('is')->singular(3)
           : verb('is')->plural(3);

    print "The minimum is $min and maximum is $max "
        . "in the given array. ";
    say "So " . array_join(@$neither)
      . " $is neither min nor max.";
  else {
    # otherwise, print the value unadorned
    say $neither;

say "Example 1:";
solution(3, 2, 1, 4);

say "";

say "Example 2:";
solution(3, 1);

say "";

say "Example 3:";
solution(2, 1, 3);

The Raku version:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;

sub neither_min_nor_max (*@ints where {$_.all ~~ Int}) {
  my $min = @ints.min; # find the minimum value
  my $max = @ints.max; # find the maximum value

  # grep preserves the order of the array, it just
  # passes along the elements that meet the criteria
  my @neither = @ints.grep({ $_ != $min && $_ != $max });
  if (@neither) {
    # if we have elements, pass them back in an array reference
    return $min, $max, @neither;
  else {
    # otherwise, pass back the requested -1
    return $min, $max, -1;

sub solution (*@ints where {$_.all ~~ Int}) {
  say 'Input: @ints = (' ~ @ints.join(', ') ~ ')';

  my ($min, $max, $neither) = neither_min_nor_max(@ints);

  print 'Output: ';
  if ( $neither ~~ Array ) {
    # if we were passed back an array reference,
    # print it like an array
    say '(' ~ $neither.join(', ') ~ ')';

    # inflect the verb!
    my $is = @$neither == 1 ?? 'is' !! 'are';

    print "The minimum is $min and maximum is $max "
        ~ "in the given array. ";
    say "So (" ~ $neither.join(', ')
      ~ ") $is neither min nor max.";
  else {
    # otherwise, print the value unadorned
    say $neither;

say "Example 1:";
solution(3, 2, 1, 4);

say "";

say "Example 2:";
solution(3, 1);

say "";

say "Example 3:";
solution(2, 1, 3);

Task 2: Senior Citizens

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar

You are given a list of passenger details in the form “9999999999A1122”, where 9 denotes the phone number, A the sex, 1 the age and 2 the seat number.

Write a script to return the count of all senior citizens (age >= 60).

Example 1

Input: @list = ("7868190130M7522","5303914400F9211","9273338290F4010")
Output: 2

The age of the passengers in the given list are 75, 92 and 40.
So we have only 2 senior citizens.

Example 2

Input: @list = ("1313579440F2036","2921522980M5644")
Output: 0

Now, I believe based on the first example, the second example should print the following after the 0 count: “The age of the passengers in the given list are 20 and 56. So we have 0 senior citizens.”

Looking at the meaty part of the problem (parsing the passenger details into their respective fields), there’s a few ways to do this. You could use the substr function:

sub passenger_details {
  my $data = shift;
  my $phone = substr($data, 0, 10);
  my $sex   = substr($data, 10, 1);
  my $age   = substr($data, 11, 2);
  my $seat  = substr($data, 13, 2);
  return ($phone, $sex, $age, $seat);

Or you could extract the data using regular expressions:

sub passenger_details {
  my $data = shift;
  my($phone, $sex, $age, $seat) = $data
    =~ /\A(\d{10})(\w)(\d{2})(\d{2})\z/;
  return ($phone, $sex, $age, $seat);

But my mind went back to a really old function I used to use a lot back in the mid-aughts when my job was processing a lot of fixed-format text data: unpack.

sub passenger_details {
  my $data = shift;
  my($phone, $sex, $age, $seat) = unpack "A10A1A2A2", $data;
  return ($phone, $sex, $age, $seat);

Because the data is all ASCII data, we just need the A format specifier followed by the length of the data we’re extracting. It’s a really great way to extract fixed-width data. In fact, looking at perlpacktut, it looks like the other options of substr and regular expressions are covered as well.

Combining this with the Lingua::EN::Inflexion tricks I discovered last week, we get:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.38;

use Lingua::EN::Inflexion qw( inflect wordlist );

sub quoted_array {
  return '("' . join('", "', @_) . '")';

sub passenger_details {
  my $data = shift;
  my($phone, $sex, $age, $seat) = unpack "A10A1A2A2", $data;
  return ($phone, $sex, $age, $seat);

sub ages_only {
  return map {
    my($phone, $sex, $age, $seat) = passenger_details($_);
  } @_;

sub count_senior_citizens {
  my @seniors = grep { $_ >= 60} @_;
  return scalar(@seniors);

sub solution {
  my @list = @_;
  say 'Input: ' . quoted_array(@list);
  my @ages  = ages_only(@list);
  my $count = scalar(@ages);
  my $senior_count = count_senior_citizens(@ages);

  say "Output: $senior_count";
  say "";
  my $wordlist = wordlist(@ages);
  say inflect "<#d:$count>The <N:age> of the <N:passenger> "
            . "in the given list <V:is> $wordlist.";
  say inflect "So we have <#n:$senior_count> "
            . "senior <N:citizen>.";

say "Example 1:";

say "";

say "Example 2:";

say "";

say "Example 3:";

Yes, I added a third example to show what we get when there’s only one senior citizen.

Unfortunately, unpack in Raku is only available as an experimental method on the Blob (binary large object) role, so we’ll need to use another way to extract the fields from the fixed-width data. Let’s use regular expressions with named captures:

sub passenger_details (Str $data) {
  $data ~~ /^ $<phone>=(\d ** 10) $<sex>=(\w ** 1) 
              $<age>=(\d ** 2) $<seat>=(\d ** 2) $/;
  return (~$<phone>, ~$<sex>, ~$<age>, ~$<seat>);

I love how in Raku, all the regular expressions allow whitespace without having to specify extra qualifiers (like /x in Perl).

Anyway, this yields the following script in Raku:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;

use Lingua::Conjunction;
use Lingua::EN::Numbers;

sub quoted_list ( *@list ) {
  # given a list, quote the elements and join them with commas
  my @quoted = { qq{"$_"} };
  return @quoted.join(q{, });

sub passenger_details (Str $data) {
  $data ~~ /^ $<phone>=(\d ** 10) $<sex>=(\w ** 1) 
              $<age>=(\d ** 2) $<seat>=(\d ** 2) $/;
  return (~$<phone>, ~$<sex>, ~$<age>, ~$<seat>);

sub ages_only (*@list where {$_.all ~~ Str}) {
  return {
    my ($phone, $sex, $age, $seat) = passenger_details($_);    

sub count_senior_citizens (*@list where {$_.all ~~ Int}) {
  my @seniors = @list.grep: { $_ >= 60};
  return @seniors.elems;

sub solution (*@list where {$_.all ~~ Str}) {
  say 'Input: @list = (' ~ quoted_list(@list) ~ ')';
  my @ages  = ages_only(@list);
  my $count = @ages.elems;
  my $senior_count = count_senior_citizens(@ages);

  say "Output: $senior_count";
  say "";

  my $str = "The age[|s] of the passenger[|s] "
          ~ "in the given list [is|are] |list|.";
  say conjunction @ages, :$str;
  my $no       = $senior_count == 0 ?? 'no' !! $senior_count.Str;
  my $citizens = $senior_count == 1 ?? 'citizen' !! 'citizens';
  say "So we have $no senior $citizens.";

say "Example 1:";

say "";

say "Example 2:";

say "";

say "Example 3:";

Here’s my solutions in GItHub:

Perl Weekly Challenge: Not the Stated Problem

Another week, another Perl Weekly Challenge!

This week, I was looking at the challenges and the second one jumped out at me, and not for the challenge it was purporting to state… for the way it asked to present the results.

Task 2: Count Words

You are given an array of words made up of alphabetic characters and a prefix.

Write a script to return the count of words that starts with the given prefix.

Example 1

Input: @words  = ("pay", "attention", "practice", "attend")
       $prefix = "at"
Ouput: 2

Two words "attention" and "attend" starts with the given prefix "at".

Example 2

Input: @words  = ("janet", "julia", "java", "javascript")
       $prefix = "ja"
Ouput: 3

Three words "janet", "java" and "javascripr" starts with the given prefix "ja".

I was looking at the challenge, and the task itself is nothing special: does a given word start withe a given string. That’s easy: $word =~ /^$string/. What caught my eye was that the output asked to then present the count of words in English. This seemed to be a great opportunity to showcase Lingua::EN::Numbers and Lingua::En::Inflect!

The first one is simple: the module provides a function num2en, which converts a number (such as 123) into English text (“one hundred and twenty-three”). The second one is more fun: it provides plural inflections, “a”/”an” selection for English words, and manipulation of numbers as words. One thing that jumped out at me in the example was that the word “start” was improperly inflected: a single word starts, multiple words start. But that’s the kind of thing this module handles for you.

Then I took a look at the documentation for Lingua::En::Inflect to remind myself how it worked and I discovered something: the author, Damian Conway had put the module in “maintenance mode” and suggested people use Lingua::EN::Inflexion instead. That module not only had a cleaner way to inflect verbs and nouns, but it also had a function for rendering numbers as English text. Bonus! One module for all my needs. It also had a function to do something I’d written myself in the past: taking a list of items and sticking “and” between the last two items.

So here’s the script I wound up with:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.38;

use Lingua::EN::Inflexion qw( inflect wordlist );

sub quoted_list {
  # given a list, quote the elements and join them with commas
  my @quoted = map { qq{"$_"} } @_;
  return join q{, }, @quoted;

sub solution {
  my $prefix = shift;
  my @words  = @_;
  say qq{Input: \@words  = (} . quoted_list(@words) . q{)};
  say qq{       \$prefix = "$prefix"};

  my @matched;
  foreach my $word ( @words ) {
    # "next unless" is a perl idiom
    next unless $word =~ /^$prefix/;
    push @matched, $word;
  my $count = scalar(@matched);
  say "Ouput: $count";
  say "";

  # put the list of words into an English list using "and"
  my $wordlist = wordlist( map { qq{"$_"} } @matched );

  # let's inflect the words 'word' and 'start'
  say ucfirst inflect qq{<#w:$count> <N:word> $wordlist "
    . "<V:start> with the given prefix "$prefix".};

say "Example 1:";
solution("at", "pay", "attention", "practice", "attend");

say "";

say "Example 2:";
solution("ja", "janet", "julia", "java", "javascript");

And my output looked like this;

$ perl/
Example 1:
Input: @words  = ("pay", "attention", "practice", "attend")
       $prefix = "at"
Output: 2

Two words "attention" and "attend" start with the given prefix "at".

Example 2:
Input: @words  = ("janet", "julia", "java", "javascript")
       $prefix = "ja"
Output: 3

Three words "janet", "java", and "javascript" start with the given prefix "ja".

The Raku version wound up, as always, mostly the same:

#!/usr/bin/env raku

use v6;

use Lingua::Conjunction;
use Lingua::EN::Numbers;

sub quoted_list ( *@list ) {
  # given a list, quote the elements and join them with commas
  my @quoted = { qq{"$_"} };
  return @quoted.join(q{, });

sub solution (Str $prefix, *@words where {$_.all ~~ Str}) {
  say qq{Input: \@words  = (} ~ quoted_list(@words) ~ q{)};
  say qq{       \$prefix = "$prefix"};

  my @matched;
  for @words -> $word {
    # "next unless" is a raku idiom, too
    next unless $word ~~ /^$prefix/;
    push @matched, $word;
  my $count = @matched.elems;
  say "Output: $count";
  say "";

  # the examples show the word count in English as well, so
  # let's use the Lingua::EN::Numbers module
  my $count_en = tclc cardinal($count);

  # also, let's inflect the words 'word' and 'start'
  # The documentation for Lingua::Conjunction says "You can use 
  # special sequence [|] (e.g. octop[us|i]) where string to the
  # left of the | will be used when the list contains just one
  # item and the string to the right will be used otherwise."
  # but there's a bug where it uses the left when there is one
  # OR TWO items.
  # I've fixed it and created a pull request
  my $str = qq{$count_en word[|s] |list| start[s|] }
          ~ qq{with the given prefix "$prefix".};
  my @quoted = { qq{"$_"} };
  say conjunction @quoted, :$str;

say "Example 1:";
solution("at", "pay", "attention", "practice", "attend");

say "";

say "Example 2:";
solution("ja", "janet", "julia", "java", "javascript");

I’ve started putting types into the parameter signatures on my functions, and there wasn’t a module to do noun/verb inflection automatically, but there was a module that made providing those inflections easier, and happily enough, it was a module to render the list with “and”. Getting to fix a bug in that module was just a bonus!

Task 1: Separate Digits

You are given an array of positive integers.

Write a script to separate the given array into single digits.

Example 1

Input: @ints = (1, 34, 5, 6)
Output: (1, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Example 2

Input: @ints = (1, 24, 51, 60)
Output: (1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6, 0)

This one was easy: getting the digits from an integer just means a little modulo division. $int % 10 gets you the ones place digit, and int( $int / 10 ) shifts every digit down a place. Loop over those and you get your digits.

What I wound up with for each integer was an array of digits. I wanted each of those digits in a master array of digits separately. I could have looped over the digits and pushed them onto my master array individually:

foreach my $digit ( @digits_of_int ) {
  push @digits_in_array, $digit;

But I knew there was a way to do it in a single command, and looking around, I figured out splice was my friend here:

splice @digits_in_array, scalar(@digits_in_array), 0, @digits_of_int;

The first parameter is the array we’re putting things into, the second parameter is the position of the array we’re putting them, the third is how many elements we’re replacing in the target array, and the last is the array of elements being spliced into the array. The tricky bit is the starting position: that’s going to be the length of the target array. On the first pass, the length will be zero, so we’ll insert elements into at the 0 position. Every other time, the length will point to the position in the array right after the last element (remember, Perl arrays start at 0).

So here’s the final script:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.38;

sub display_array {
  return "(" . join(q{, }, @_) . ")";

sub solution {
  my @ints = @_;
  say "Input: \@ints = " . display_array(@ints);
  # the description says that the array is positive integers,
  # so let's treat them as integers and divide them
  my @digits_in_array;
  foreach my $int ( @ints ) {
    my @digits_of_int;
    while ( $int > 0 ) {
      # first get the ones place digit
      my $ones_place = $int % 10;
      # push it onto the BEGINNING of @digits_of_int
      unshift @digits_of_int, $ones_place;
      # divide the number by 10, discarding the fraction
      $int = int( $int / 10 );
    # push the elements from @digits_of_int onto the end
    # of @digits_in_array
    splice @digits_in_array, scalar(@digits_in_array), 0, @digits_of_int;
  say "Output: " . display_array(@digits_in_array);

say "Example 1:";
solution(1, 34, 5, 6);

say "";

say "Example 2:";
solution(1, 24, 51, 60);

Translating this into Raku had a hiccup, however: When I started with this

sub solution (*@ints where {$_.all ~~ Int}) {
  say "Input: \@ints = " ~ display_array(@ints);
  # the description says that the array is positive integers,
  # so let's treat them as integers and divide them
  my @digits_in_array;
  for @ints -> $int {
    my @digits_of_int;
    while ( $int > 0 ) {
      # first get the ones place digit
      my $ones_place = $int % 10;
      # push it onto the BEGINNING of @digits_of_int
      unshift @digits_of_int, $ones_place;
      # divide the number by 10, discarding the fraction
      $int = ($int / 10).truncate;
    # append the elements from @digits_of_int onto the end
    # of @digits_in_array
    @digits_in_array.append: @digits_of_int;
  say "Output: " ~ display_array(@digits_in_array);

I got the following:

$ raku/ch-1.raku
Example 1:
Input: @ints = (1, 34, 5, 6)
Parameter '$int' expects a writable container (variable) as an
argument, but got '1' (Int) as a value without a container.
  in sub solution at raku/ch-1.raku line 14
  in block &lt;unit> at raku/ch-1.raku line 32

Ahhh! Everything in Raku is an object, and I was passing immutable numbers into my array. That was an easy enough fix:

  for @ints -> $value {
    my $int =$value);

I just took the immutable value and used it to create a mutable Int object. And voilá, we’re done.

#!/usr/bin/env raku

use v6;

sub display_array (@array) {
  return "(" ~ @array.join(q{, }) ~ ")";

sub solution (*@ints where {$_.all ~~ Int}) {
  say "Input: \@ints = " ~ display_array(@ints);
  # the description says that the array is positive integers,
  # so let's treat them as integers and divide them
  my @digits_in_array;
  for @ints -> $value {
    my $int =$value);
    my @digits_of_int;
    while ( $int > 0 ) {
      # first get the ones place digit
      my $ones_place = $int % 10;
      # push it onto the BEGINNING of @digits_of_int
      unshift @digits_of_int, $ones_place;
      # divide the number by 10, discarding the fraction
      $int = ($int / 10).truncate;
    # append the elements from @digits_of_int onto the end
    # of @digits_in_array
    @digits_in_array.append: @digits_of_int;
  say "Output: " ~ display_array(@digits_in_array);

say "Example 1:";
solution(1, 34, 5, 6);

say "";

say "Example 2:";
solution(1, 24, 51, 60);

Here’s my solutions in GitHub:

Perl Weekly Challenge: Two out of Three Ain’t Lexicographically Bad

Another week, time for another Weekly Perl Challenge!

Task 1: Lexicographic Order

You are given an array of strings.

Write a script to delete element which is not lexicographically sorted (forwards or backwards) and return the count of deletions.

Example 1

Input: @str = ("abc", "bce", "cae")
Output: 1

In the given array "cae" is the only element which is not lexicographically sorted.

Example 2

Input: @str = ("yxz", "cba", "mon")
Output: 2

In the given array "yxz" and "mon" are not lexicographically sorted.

I had to look up when “Lexicographic Order” was on the off chance that it wasn’t what I thought it was. Essentially, it means it’s sorted alphabetically. That was pretty obvious from the examples, so I just dove in:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.38;

sub quoted_list {
  # given a list, quote the elements and join them with commas
  my @quoted = map { qq{"$_"} } @_;
  return join q{, }, @quoted;

sub quoted_english_list {
  # given a list, quote the elements and join them 
  # in a way that makes sense to english speakers
  my @quoted = map { qq{"$_"} } @_;
  my $last = pop @quoted; # last element in array
  if (@quoted == 0) {
    # using an array in a scalar context returns
    # the number of elements in the array

    # there was only one element in the list
    return $last;
  my $joined = join q{, }, @quoted;
  if (@quoted > 1) {
    # if there's more than element, add an Oxford comma
    $joined .= q{,};
  return "$joined and $last";

sub is_lexically_sorted {
  my $input = shift @_;

  # get the characters in the input string
  my @characters = split //, $input;

  # generate a string of the characters sorted ascending
  # (with case folding)
  my $forwards  = join q{}, sort {
    fc($a) cmp fc($b)
  } @characters;

  # generate a string of the characters sorted descending
  # (with case folding)
  my $backwards = join q{}, sort {
    fc($b) cmp fc($a)
  } @characters;

  # if the input string is matches either sorted string,
  # then return true
  return( $input eq $forwards || $input eq $backwards );

sub solution {
  my @str = @_;
  say "Input: \@str = (" . quoted_list(@str) . ")";

  my @not_lexically_sorted = grep {
    ! is_lexically_sorted($_)
  } @str;

  say "Output: " . scalar(@not_lexically_sorted);
  say "";

  if (@not_lexically_sorted == 0) {
    say "In the given array all elements are"
      . " lexicographically sorted.";
  elsif (@not_lexically_sorted == 1) {
    say "In the given array "
      . quoted_list(@not_lexically_sorted)
      . " is the only element which is not"
      . " lexicographically sorted.";
  else {
    say "In the given array "
      . quoted_english_list(@not_lexically_sorted)
      . " are not lexicographically sorted.";

say "Example 1:";
solution("abc", "bce", "cae");

say "";

say "Example 2:";
solution("yxz", "cba", "mon");

I added a bunch of extra subroutines to make the code more readable: quoted_list and quoted_english_list let me just say how I want to display the list, rather than repeating the code every time I want to display it. And the is_lexically_sorted function make the grep that I’m using to determine which array elements aren’t lexicographically sorted more readable as well. Whether it’s Perl or not, sometimes it’s just good coding practice to pull out pieces of your code that represent a concept and make them their own function, even if they’re only being used in only one place, because it just makes the code conceptually easier to understand.

The Raku version

#!/usr/bin/env raku

use v6;

sub quoted_list ( *@list ) {
  # given a list, quote the elements and join them with commas
  my @quoted = { qq{"$_"} };
  return @quoted.join(q{, });

sub quoted_english_list ( *@list ) {
  # given a list, quote the elements and join them 
  # in a way that makes sense to english speakers
  my @quoted = { qq{"$_"} };
  my $last = @quoted.pop(); # last element in array
  if (@quoted == 0) {
    # using an array in a scalar context returns
    # the number of elements in the array

    # there was only one element in the list
    return $last;
  my $joined = join q{, }, @quoted;
  if (@quoted > 1) {
    # if there's more than element, add an Oxford comma
    $joined ~= q{,};
  return "$joined and $last";

sub is_lexically_sorted ($input) {
  # get the characters in the input string
  # putting $input in quotes casts it as a Str
  my @characters = "$input".split("", :skip-empty);

  # sort the characters ascending
  my @forwards  = @characters.sort: { $^a.fc cmp $^b.fc };

  # sort the characters descending
  my @backwards = @characters.sort: { $^b.fc cmp $^a.fc };

  # if the input string is matches either sorted string,
  # then return true
  return( $input eq @forwards.join("")
          $input eq @backwards.join("") );

sub solution (*@str) {
  say "Input: \@str = (" ~ quoted_list(@str) ~ ")";

  my @not_lexically_sorted = @str.grep({

  say "Output: " ~ @not_lexically_sorted.elems;
  say "";

  if (@not_lexically_sorted.elems == 0) {
    say "In the given array all elements are"
      ~ " lexicographically sorted.";
  elsif (@not_lexically_sorted.elems == 1) {
    say "In the given array "
      ~ quoted_list(@not_lexically_sorted)
      ~ " is the only element which is not"
      ~ " lexicographically sorted.";
  else {
    say "In the given array "
      ~ quoted_english_list(@not_lexically_sorted)
      ~ " are not lexicographically sorted.";

say "Example 1:";
solution("abc", "bce", "cae");

say "";

say "Example 2:";
solution("yxz", "cba", "mon");

This is mostly like the Perl solution above, but I decided to play around a little with slurpy parameters in my function signatures.

Task 2: Two out of Three

You are given three array of integers.

Write a script to return all the elements that are present in at least 2 out of 3 given arrays.

Example 1

Input: @array1 = (1, 1, 2, 4)
       @array2 = (2, 4)
       @array3 = (4)
Ouput: (2, 4)

Example 2

Input: @array1 = (4, 1)
       @array2 = (2, 4)
       @array3 = (1, 2)
Ouput: (1, 2, 4)

Perl version:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.38;

# function to return unique elements in array
use List::Util qw( uniq );

sub display_array {
  return "(" . join(q{, }, @_) . ")";

sub solution {
  my @arrays = @_;
  say "Input: \@array1 = " . display_array( @{ $arrays[0] } );
  say "       \@array2 = " . display_array( @{ $arrays[1] } );
  say "       \@array3 = " . display_array( @{ $arrays[2] } );

  # Return all the elements that are present in at least 2 out
  # of 3 given arrays.  In the sample input, there are arrays 
  # where there elements appear multiple times in a given
  # array, so we want to examine only UNIQUE elements
  my @unique;
  foreach my $arrayref ( @arrays ) {
    push @unique, [ uniq @$arrayref ];

  # now that we have arrays of only unique elements, let's find
  # elements that occur in more than one array using a hash
  my %occurrences;
  foreach my $arrayref ( @unique ) {
    foreach my $element ( @$arrayref ) {

  say "Output: " . display_array(
    sort # sort the resulting array of elements numerically
    grep {
      # only include elements that were counted more than once
      $occurrences{$_} > 1;
    } keys %occurrences

say "Example 1:";
  [1, 1, 2, 4],
  [2, 4],

say "";

say "Example 2:";
  [4, 1],
  [2, 4],
  [1, 2]

Raku version

#!/usr/bin/env raku

use v6;

sub display_array (@array) {
  return "(" ~ @array.join(q{, }) ~ ")";

sub solution (@array1, @array2, @array3) {
  say "Input: \@array1 = " ~ display_array(@array1);
  say "       \@array2 = " ~ display_array(@array2);
  say "       \@array3 = " ~ display_array(@array3);

  # Return all the elements that are present in at least 2 out
  # of 3 given arrays.  In the sample input, there are arrays
  # where there elements appear multiple times in a given
  # array, so we want to examine only UNIQUE elements, then
  # find elements that occur in more than one array using
  # a hash
  my %occurrences;
  for ( @array1.unique,
        @array3.unique ).flat -> $element {

  say "Output: " ~ display_array(
    # only include elements that were counted more than once
    %occurrences.keys().grep: { %occurrences{$_} > 1 } 
  ).sort; # sort the resulting array of elements numerically

say "Example 1:";
  (1, 1, 2, 4),
  (2, 4),

say "";

say "Example 2:";
  (4, 1),
  (2, 4),
  (1, 2)

I want to point out my discovering the .flat method for Arrays.

Note that in the Perl version, I’m passing around array references to keep the three lists, separate, but in Raku, I’m able to make the three different parameters full-on arrays. Also, in Perl I had to pull in a function from a core module to get a list of unique elements in an array, but in Raku, the .unique method is provide on the base class Any.

Here’s my solutions in GitHub:

Perl Weekly Challenge: Unique Sums and Empty Arrays

Another week, time for another Perl Weekly Challenge!

Task 1: Unique Sum

You are given an array of integers.

Write a script to find out the sum of unique elements in the given array.

Example 1

Input: @int = (2, 1, 3, 2)
Output: 4

In the given array we have 2 unique elements (1, 3).

Example 2

Input: @int = (1, 1, 1, 1)
Output: 0

In the given array no unique element found.

Example 3

Input: @int = (2, 1, 3, 4)
Output: 10

In the given array every element is unique.

The examples make what this challenge is looking for pretty clear. We find the unique elements in the array, and sum those up. I immediately thought of using a hash to accomplish the task:

# find the unique elements
my %unique;
foreach my $int ( @ints ) {

# make a list of ONLY the unique ints
my @unique_ints = grep { $unique{$_} == 1 } @ints;

It’s a common use-case in Perl to use a hash to count how many times something occurs, whether it’s to only do something once or to actually count up occurrences.

I guess I could have populated the %unique hash via a map, but I wanted to keep what the code was doing obvious, and sometimes I think using a map just to execute code in the code block and not to return an array/hash can be confusing.

map { $unique{$_}++ } @ints;

The other thing I knew I wanted to do was show off some List::Util functions

use List::Util qw( sum );

# sum the unique elements
my $sum = sum(@unique_ints) // 0;

Sure, it would be easy enough to say

my $sum = 0;
foreach my $int ( @unique_ints ) {
  $sum += $int;

But sum makes it is a lot shorter. So here’s the entire script…

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.38;

use List::Util qw( sum );

# just accept the list of integers on the command line
my @ints = @ARGV;

# find the unique elements
my %unique;
foreach my $int ( @ints ) {

# make a list of ONLY the unique ints
my @unique_ints = grep { $unique{$_} == 1 } @ints;

# sum the unique elements
my $sum = sum(@unique_ints) // 0;

# produce the output
say "Input: \@int = (" . join(', ', @ints) . ")";
say "Output: $sum";
say "";

print "In the given array ";
if ( scalar(@unique_ints) == scalar(@ints) ) {
  say "every element is unique.";
elsif ( scalar(@unique_ints) == 0 ) {
  say "no unique element found.";
else {
  say "we have " . scalar(@unique_ints) . " unique elements ("
    . join(', ', @unique_ints) . ").";

As always, I started with my Perl script and made changes to make it valid Raku:

#!/usr/bin/env raku

use v6;

# just accept the list of integers on the command line
my @ints = @*ARGS;

# find the unique elements
my %unique;
for @ints -> $int {

# make a list of ONLY the unique ints
my @unique_ints = grep { %unique{$_} == 1 }, @ints;

# sum the unique elements
my $sum = [+] @unique_ints;

# produce the output
say "Input: \@int = (" ~ @ints.join(', ') ~ ")";
say "Output: $sum";
say "";

print "In the given array ";
if ( @unique_ints.elems == @ints.elems ) {
  say "every element is unique.";
elsif ( @unique_ints.elems == 0 ) {
  say "no unique element found.";
else {
  say "we have " ~ @unique_ints.elems ~ " unique elements ("
    ~ @unique_ints.join(', ') ~ ").";

Now, the big decision I had to make was how to do the sum. I picked showing off Raku’s Reduction Metaoperator: [ ]. When you put an operator between square brackets and put that in front of a Raku Positional (like an Array), it turns the Positional into a single value by applying the operator to the first two elements, and then applying the operator to the result and the next element, and so on until the Positional has run out of elements. You can multiply all the elements of a Positional using [*], you can concatenate all the elements of a Positional using [~], There’s even a max infix operator that given two operands will return the larger of the two, and this can be applied to a Positional to find the largest value using [max].

But I could have used the .sum routine provided by Raku’s List class (which Arrays are a subclass of):

my $sum = @unique_ints.sum;

Task 2: Empty Array

You are given an array of integers in which all elements are unique.

Write a script to perform the following operations until the array is empty and return the total count of operations.

If the first element is the smallest then remove it otherwise move it to the end.

Example 1

Input: @int = (3, 4, 2)
Output: 5

Operation 1: move 3 to the end: (4, 2, 3)
Operation 2: move 4 to the end: (2, 3, 4)
Operation 3: remove element 2: (3, 4)
Operation 4: remove element 3: (4)
Operation 5: remove element 4: ()

Example 2

Input: @int = (1, 2, 3)
Output: 3

Operation 1: remove element 1: (2, 3)
Operation 2: remove element 2: (3)
Operation 3: remove element 3: ()

This time, the List::Util function I wanted to use was min:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.38;

use List::Util qw( min );

# just accept the list of integers on the command line
my @ints = @ARGV;

my @operations;
my $count = 1;
while ( scalar(@ints) > 0 ) {
  my $min = min @ints;

  # in either case, we're removing the first element from the list
  my $first = shift @ints;

  if ($min == $first) {
    # the first element is the minimum, discard it
    push @operations, "Operation $count: "
                    . "remove element $min: ("
                    . join(',', @ints) . ")";
  else {
    # the first element is NOT the minimum, add it to the end
    push @ints, $first;
    push @operations, "Operation $count: "
                    . "move $first to the end: ("
                    . join(',', @ints) . ")";

# produce the output
# let's use @ARGV again, since we modify @ints as we go along
say "Input: \@int = (" . join(', ', @ARGV) . ")";
say "Output: " . scalar(@operations);
say "";
say join "\n", @operations;

This also does an excellent job of showing off array operations: shift to remove the first element of an array, and push to append an element to the end of an array (though, I will admit I really like the way PHP allows you to append to the end of an array: $ints[] = $first).

At first, I was using $ints[0] to examine the first element in the array and then using shift to remove it and discard the value if the first element was the minimum value, and if it wasn’t, using shift to remove the first value and save itm like this:

if ($min == $ints[0]) {
  shift @ints;
  push @operations, ...;
else {
  my $first = shift @ints;
  push @operations, ...;

But then I realized that I was shift-ing the value off @ints in either case, and it would just be cleaner to do it before the comparison so I could use $first instead of $ints[0].

The Raku version is nothing fancy this time:

#!/usr/bin/env raku

use v6;

# just accept the list of integers on the command line
my @ints = @*ARGS;

my @operations;
my $count = 1;
while ( @ints.elems > 0 ) {
  my $min = @ints.min;

  # in either case, we're removing the first element
  # from the list
  my $first = @ints.shift;

  if ($min == $first) {
    # the first element is the minimum, discard it
    push @operations, "Operation $count: "
                    ~ "remove element $min: ("
                    ~ @ints.join(', ') ~ ")";
  else {
    # the first element is NOT the minimum, add it to the end
    push @ints, $first;
    push @operations, "Operation $count: "
                    ~ "move $first to the end: ("
                    ~ @ints.join(', ') ~ ")";

# produce the output
# let's use @ARGV again, since we modofy @ints as we go along
say "Input: \@int = (" ~ @*ARGS.join(', ') ~ ")";
say "Output: " ~ @operations.elems;
say "";
say join "\n", @operations;