Workin’ on the company website…

I’m working on the PacKay Productions website today, and it occurred to me that since I’m using git on my desktop to track changes to our WordPress theme, I could also use it to sync changes to my server.  Thinking about it, I knew the webserver would be a remote repository, and I could publish my changes by typing “git push web”, but I figured there had to be things I was overlooking, so I hit Google to see what other people had come up with.

That’s when I found “Using Git to manage a web site.” It not only pointed out what I was overlooking–that if I made the website itself a git repository, I’d also be syncing all the .git files into the webroot and possibly exposing them to the public–it also had a solution: using the post-receive hook to deploy changes from a git repository sitting outside the webroot into a directory inside the webroot.

It’s a quick little read.  I like it.

RIP, Jerry Nelson

My wife came into my office as I was getting ready to go to work this morning to give me bad news: Jerry Nelson had died.  Jerry was the third puppeteer Jim Henson hired, after Jerry Juhl (who went on to be the writer for The Muppet Show and Fraggle Rock) and Frank Oz.

We’d known Jerry had basically retired because of his COPD, but he still did work for Sesame Street, recording the voice for his favorite character, Count von Count.

There’s not much I can say.  Thank you, Jerry, for a lifetime of entertainment and inspiration.

A small shill…

One of my favorite webcomic artists just put together a new 125×125 ad for one of his webcomics, so I figured I’d link to it here.

Hello world!

I’ve finally decided I need to set up my own dedicated blog.  Writing blog entries about tech things on Livejournal just doesn’t seem right, and I’ve got a lot more control if I host my blog myself.

So here it is!