Perl Weekly Challenge: Reverse Vowels by the Power of Three

This week’s musical theme: Power of Two by the Indigo Girls. Listen to the song one-and-a-half times and you’ll have the power of three, right?

Onward to Perl Weekly Challenge 254!

Task 1: Three Power

You are given a positive integer, $n.

Write a script to return true if the given integer is a power of three otherwise return false.

Example 1

Input: $n = 27
Output: true

27 = 3 ^ 3

Example 2

Input: $n = 0
Output: true

0 = 0 ^ 3

Example 3

Input: $n = 6
Output: false


Was it really three weeks ago that I last used recursion? Huh. Anyway, I’m going to have a function that takes two parameters, $n and a number to raise to the power of three, $pow. Initially, I call it with $pow = 0. If $n == $pow ^ 3, we return true. If $n < $pow ^ 3, we return false (because the number is larger than the last power of three, but smaller than this one). Otherwise, we return the value returned by calling the function again with $pow + 1. Eventually, we’ll match one of the first two conditions and return either true or false.


By using a default value for the second parameter, I can call isAPowerOfThree($n) to begin with, and let the recursive calls pass the numbers that get raised to the power of three.

sub isAPowerOfThree($n, $pow = 0) {
  if ($n == $pow ** 3) {
    return 'true';
  elsif ($n < $pow ** 3) {
    return 'false';
  return isAPowerOfThree($n, $pow + 1);

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


Since Perl’s function signatures (the default since Perl 5.36) allow for default values the same way Raku does, we don’t have to change anything except the string concatenation operator in my solution() function (shown in the full solution). But if I wanted to be compatible back to Perl 5.10, I could write it this way.

sub isAPowerOfThree {
  my $n   = shift;
  my $pow = shift() // 0;

  if ($n == $pow ** 3) {
    return 'true';
  elsif ($n < $pow ** 3) {
    return 'false';
  return isAPowerOfThree($n, $pow + 1);

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.


For Python, I didn’t have to adjust the logic at all, only the syntax.

def isAPowerOfThree(n, pow = 0):
    if n == pow ** 3:
        return 'true'
    elif n < pow ** 3:
        return 'false'
    return isAPowerOfThree(n, pow + 1)

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Task 2: Reverse Vowels

You are given a string, $s.

Write a script to reverse all the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in the given string.

Example 1

Input: $s = "Raku"
Output: "Ruka"

Example 2

Input: $s = "Perl"
Output: "Perl"

Example 3

Input: $s = "Julia"
Output: "Jaliu"

Example 4

Input: $s = "Uiua"
Output: "Auiu"


Ah, this one requires a bit more thought. We want to extract the vowels from the string into a list, but maintain the positions of the vowels in the string. We then reverse the list and put the vowels back into the string. One thing to note: the output string is title-cased.


I realized that I didn’t need to remove the vowels from the string, so I could use the vowels themselves as the placeholders.

sub reverseVowels($s) {
  # split string into letters
  my @letters = $s.split('', :skip-empty);

  # find the vowels
  my @vowels = @letters.grep({ /:i<[aeiou]>/ });

  # replace each vowel in reverse order, converting
  # any uppercase letters to lowercase
  for 0 .. @letters.end -> $i {
    if (@letters[$i] ~~ /:i<[aeiou]>/) {
      @letters[$i] =;

  # rejoin the array as a string, title casing it
  return tc(@letters.join(''));

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


sub reverseVowels($s) {
  # split string into letters
  my @letters = split(//, $s);

  # find the vowels
  my @vowels = grep { /[aeiou]/i } @letters;

  # replace each vowel in reverse order, converting
  # any uppercase letters to lowercase
  foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#letters) {
    if ($letters[$i] =~ /[aeiou]/i) {
      $letters[$i] = lc(pop @vowels);

  # rejoin the array as a string, title casing it
  return ucfirst(join('', @letters));

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.


import re

is_vowel = re.compile('[aeiou]', re.IGNORECASE)

def reverseVowels(s):
    # split string into letters
    letters = list(s)

    # find the vowels
    vowels = [ v for v in letters if is_vowel.match(v) ]

    # replace each vowel in reverse order, converting
    # any uppercase letters to lowercase
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if is_vowel.match(letters[i]):
            letters[i] = vowels.pop(-1)

    # rejoin the array as a string, title casing it
    return ''.join(letters).title()

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Here’s all my solutions in GItHub:

Perl Weekly Challenge: Sort Languages to the Largest of Three

Yeah, yeah, it feels like a bit of a stretch this week, but when I saw the tasks, my brain read off “Largest of Three” to the tune of “Power of Two” by The Indigo Girls. No more of a stretch than Three of a Reverse Sum Pair was, I guess.

Task 1: Sort Language

You are given two array of languages and its popularity.

Write a script to sort the language based on popularity.

Example 1

Input: @lang = ('perl', 'c', 'python')
       @popularity = (2, 1, 3)
Output: ('c', 'perl', 'python')

Example 2

Input: @lang = ('c++', 'haskell', 'java')
       @popularity = (1, 3, 2)
Output: ('c++', 'java', 'haskell')


This could be done with a single loop, using the second array to assign values from the first array to particular indices in the output array:

for (i = 0; i < length(lang); i++) {
  output[ popularity[i]-1 ] = lang[i];

But this task is phrased as a sort, so let’s code it that way: the second array has the values we’ll use to compare the first array elements with in a custom sort.


sub sortLanguage(@lang, @popularity) {
  # build a hash associating @popularity with @lang
  my %lang_pop = map {
    @lang[$_] => @popularity[$_]
  }, @lang.keys;
  my @sorted = @lang.sort({
    # sort by %lang_pop, not @lang
    %lang_pop{$^a} <=> %lang_pop{$^b}
  return @sorted;

I’m remembering my discovery last week that @lang.keys would give me the sequence 0, 1, 2.

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


Again, the changes from Raku to Perl aren’t Earth-shattering:

sub sortLanguage{
  my ($lang, $popularity) = @_;
  # build a hash associating @popularity with @lang
  my %lang_pop = map {
    $lang->[$_] => $popularity->[$_]
  } 0 .. $#{$lang};
  my @sorted = sort {
    # sort by %lang_pop, not @$lang
    $lang_pop{$a} <=> $lang_pop{$b}
  } @$lang;
  return @sorted;

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.


Python’s nifty sorted built-in makes this pretty easy.

def sortLanguage(lang, popularity):
    # build a dict associating popularity with lang
    lang_pop = {
        v: popularity[i] for i,v in enumerate(lang)
    sorted_list = sorted(lang,
                         # sort by lang_pop, not lang
                         key=lambda x: (lang_pop[x]))
    return sorted_list

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Task 2: Largest of Three

You are given an array of integers >= 0.

Write a script to return the largest number formed by concatenating some of the given integers in any order which is also multiple of 3. Return -1 if none found.

Example 1

Input: @ints = (8, 1, 9)
Output: 981

981 % 3 == 0

Example 2

Input: @ints = (8, 6, 7, 1, 0)
Output: 8760

Example 3

Input: @ints = (1)
Output: -1


Ok, it’s pretty obvious that the largest combination will have the digits sorted in descending order, so I’m guessing I want to sort the digits first, and then start making combinations until I either a) find a combination that’s a multiple of 3, or b) exhaust my combinations.


sub largestOfThree(@ints) {
  my $max = -1; # initialize our failure case
  for @ints.combinations -> @combo {
    next unless @combo.elems > 0; # not empty set
    # sort the digits in descending order,
    # join them, then convert to an Int
    my $num = @combo.sort.reverse.join('').Int;
    next unless $num > $max;   # not bigger than current max
    next unless $num % 3 == 0; # not divisible by 3
    $max = $num;
  return $max;

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


Again,  Algorithm::Combinatorics’ combinations function comes to the rescue.

use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw( combinations );

sub largestOfThree {
  my @ints = @_;
  my $max = -1; # initialize our failure case
  my @combos = map {
    combinations(\@ints, $_)
  } 1 .. scalar(@ints);
  foreach my $combo ( @combos ) {
    # sort the digits in descending order,
    # join them, then convert to an Int
    my $num = join('', reverse sort @$combo) + 0;
    next unless $num > $max;   # not bigger than current max
    next unless $num % 3 == 0; # not divisible by 3
    $max = $num;
  return $max;

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.


from itertools import combinations

def largestOfThree(ints):
    # generate a list of combinations
    combos = [
        c for i in range(1, len(ints)+1)
          for c in combinations(ints, i)
    maxval = -1 # initialize our failure case
    for combo in combos:
        combo_list = list(combo)
        num = int(''.join(map(str, combo_list)))
        if num <= maxval: # not bigger than current max
        if num % 3 != 0: # not divisible by 3
        maxval = num
    return maxval

At least this week I made the nested for loops to generate the combinations prettier.

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Here’s all my solutions in GItHub:

Perl Weekly Challenge: Triplets Prime

From disappointing to worse: not only can’t I come up with a musical theme for this week, I just discovered that I didn’t submit my pull request for last week’s solutions, so they didn’t count. 😭

This week I have to make sure I get my entries in on time.

Task 1: Arithmetic Triplets

You are given an array (3 or more members) of integers in increasing order and a positive integer.

Write a script to find out the number of unique Arithmetic Triplets satisfying the following rules:

a) i < j < k
b) nums[j] - nums[i] == diff
c) nums[k] - nums[j] == diff

Example 1

Input: @nums = (0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 10)
       $diff = 3
Output: 2

Index (1, 2, 4) is an arithmetic triplet because both  7 - 4 == 3 and 4 - 1 == 3.
Index (2, 4, 5) is an arithmetic triplet because both 10 - 7 == 3 and 7 - 4 == 3.

Example 2

Input: @nums = (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
       $diff = 2
Output: 2

(0, 2, 4) is an arithmetic triplet because both 8 - 6 == 2 and 6 - 4 == 2.
(1, 3, 5) is an arithmetic triplet because both 9 - 7 == 2 and 7 - 5 == 2.


Ok, we have two pieces of input: a list of integers in increasing order, and a target difference. We’re looking for three-element increasing order subsets from the list where the difference between the first and second and the second and third elements match the target difference.

It seems the most straightforward way to identify these triplets is to find pairs where the difference is the target difference, and then build triplets from those pairs.


sub findTriplets($diff, @nums) {
  my $count = 0;
  my $details = q{};
  for 0 .. @nums.elems - 3 -> $i {
    for $i + 1 .. @nums.elems - 2 -> $j {
      next unless @nums[$j] - @nums[$i] == $diff;
      for $j + 1 .. @nums.elems - 1 -> $k {
        next unless @nums[$k] - @nums[$j] == $diff;
        $details ~= "($i, $j, $k) is an arithmetic triplet "
          ~  "because both @nums[$k] - @nums[$j] = $diff "
          ~  "and @nums[$j] - @nums[$i] = $diff\n";
  return ($count, $details);

Once again, I find myself chafing that I need to use @nums.elems - 1 to get the index of the last element in a Raku array. In Perl, it’s much easier.

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


sub findTriplets {
  my($diff, $nums) = @_;
  my $count = 0;
  my $details = q{};
  foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#$nums - 2 ) {
    foreach my $j ( $i + 1 .. $#$nums - 1 ) {
      next unless $nums->[$j] - $nums->[$i] == $diff;
      foreach my $k ( $j + 1 .. $#$nums ) {
        next unless $nums->[$k] - $nums->[$j] == $diff;
        $details .= "($i, $j, $k) is an arithmetic triplet "
          .  "because both $nums->[$k] - $nums->[$j] = $diff "
          .  "and $nums->[$j] - $nums->[$i] = $diff\n";
  return ($count, $details);

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.


def findTriplets(diff, nums):
    count = 0
    details = ''
    for i in range(0, len(nums) - 2):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(nums) - 1):
            if not nums[j] - nums[i] == diff:
            for k in range(j + 1, len(nums)):
                if not nums[k] - nums[j] == diff:
                count += 1
                details += (
                    f"({i}, {j}, {k}) is an arithmetic " +
                    f"triplet because both " +
                    f"{nums[k]} - {nums[j]} = {diff} and " +
                    f"{nums[j]} - {nums[i]} = {diff}\n"
    return count, details

This screwed me up for a little while because my indentation on the innermost portion where I was counting results wasn’t properly lined up. This is one of my big complaints about Python: the lack of block delimiters, and all blocks being defined by indentation.

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Task 2: Prime Order

You are given an array of unique positive integers greater than 2.

Write a script to sort them in ascending order of the count of their prime factors, tie-breaking by ascending value.

Example 1

Input: @int = (11, 8, 27, 4)
Output: (11, 4, 8, 27)

Prime factors of 11 => 11
Prime factors of  4 => 2, 2
Prime factors of  8 => 2, 2, 2
Prime factors of 27 => 3, 3, 3

Example 2 (added by me)

Input: @int = (2, 4, 8, 12, 11)
Output: (2, 11, 4, 8, 12)

Prime factors of  2 => 2
Prime factors of 11 => 11
Prime factors of  4 => 2, 2
Prime factors of  8 => 2, 2, 2
Prime factors of 12 => 2, 2, 3


Ok, so first we need to find the prime factors of a given integer. I had to look this up, but the algorithm to find the prime factors of N is:

  • Divide by 2 as many times as possible, checking to see if the remainder is 0
  • Loop from 3 to sqrt(N), dividing and checking to see if the remainder is 0
  • If the remaining number is still > 2, it’s a prime

Once we have a list of the prime factors, we need to sort by list size and numbers in the list.


First, the prime factor algorithm:

sub findPrimeFactors(Int $number) {
  my @factors;
  my $num = $number;
  while ( $num % 2 == 0 ) {
    $num /= 2;
  for 3 .. sqrt($num).Int -> $i {
    while ( $num % $i == 0 ) {
      $num /= $i;
  if ($num > 2) {
  return @factors;

Because we’re assigning to $num, I want it to be a copy of what we get passed in so we don’t change that variable. Now we use that to sort the numbers:

sub sortByPrimeFactors(@int) {
  my %primeFactors;
  # calculate the prime factors for each number
  for @int -> $n {
    %primeFactors{$n} = findPrimeFactors($n);
  # now sort the numbers
  my @sorted = @int.sort({
    # first, sort by number of factors
    %primeFactors{$^a} <=> %primeFactors{$^b}
    # then sort by the value of the factors
    listCompare(%primeFactors{$^a}, %primeFactors{$^b})
  # now build the output
  my $factors = q{};
  for @sorted -> $n {
    $factors ~= sprintf 'Prime factors of %2d => ', $n;
    $factors ~= %primeFactors{$n}.join(', ') ~ "\n";
  return @sorted, $factors;

sub listCompare(@a, @b) {
  # this is only getting called if both lists
  # have the same number of elements
  my $i = 0;

  # compare the corresponding element from each
  # list until they're unequal
  while ($i < @a.elems && @a[$i] == @b[$i]) {
  # if we ran off the end of the list, set $i to 0
  $i = 0 if $i >= @a.elems;

  return @a[$i] <=> @b[$i];

It isn’t an issue in the only example given, so I added another example where it would be an issue: if both lists of factors have the same number of elements, we need to compare the list items one by one until we get an inequality. 8 and 12 are perfect numbers for this, because their factor lists are (2, 2, 2) and (2, 2, 3), respectively, and we have to compare them out to the last element to find a difference.

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


The Perl solution is pretty much exactly the same.

sub findPrimeFactors {
  my $num = shift;
  my @factors;
  while ( $num % 2 == 0 ) {
    push @factors, 2;
    $num /= 2;
  foreach my $i ( 3 .. int(sqrt($num)) ) {
    while ( $num % $i == 0 ) {
      push @factors, $i;
      $num /= $i;
  if ($num > 2) {
    push @factors, $num;
  return @factors;

sub sortByPrimeFactors {
  my @int = @_;
  my %primeFactors;
  # calculate the prime factors for each number
  foreach my $n ( @int ) {
    $primeFactors{$n} = [ findPrimeFactors($n) ];
  # now sort the numbers
  my @sorted = sort {
    # first, sort by number of factors
    $#{$primeFactors{$a}} <=> $#{$primeFactors{$b}}
    # then sort by the value of the factors
    listCompare($primeFactors{$a}, $primeFactors{$b})
  } @int;
  # now build the output
  my $factors = q{};
  foreach my $n ( @sorted ) {
    $factors .= sprintf 'Prime factors of %2d => ', $n;
    $factors .= join(', ', @{$primeFactors{$n}}) . "\n";
  return \@sorted, $factors;

sub listCompare($a, $b) {
  # this is only getting called if both lists
  # have the same number of elements
  my $i = 0;

  # compare the corresponding element from each
  # list until they're unequal
  while ($i <= $#{$a} && $a->[$i] == $b->[$i]) {
  # if we ran off the end of the list, set $i to 0
  $i = 0 if $i > $#{$a};

  return $a->[$i] <=> $b->[$i];

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.


import math

def findPrimeFactors(num):
    factors = []
    while num % 2 == 0:
        num /= 2

    for i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(num))):
        while num % i == 0:
            num /= i

    if num > 2:

    return factors

def sortByPrimeFactors(nums):
    primeFactors = {}
    # calculate the prime factors for each number
    for n in nums:
        primeFactors[n] = findPrimeFactors(n)
    # now sort the numbers
    sorted_list = sorted(nums,
                         key=lambda x: (

    # now build the output
    factors = ''
    for n in sorted_list:
        factors += f'Prime factors of {n:2d} => '
        as_list = ', '.join(
            map(lambda i: str(i), primeFactors[n])
        factors += as_list + '\n'

    return sorted_list, factors

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Here’s all my solutions in GItHub:

The Massacree Revisited… again

With the news breaking that there was a seven hour gap in Trump’s phone logs on January 6, 2021, I got to thinking about the 18 minute and 20 second gap in the Nixon tapes, which, of course, made me think of Alice’s Restaurant: The Massacree Revisited. I wanted to quote the additional lyrics, but, much to my annoyance, even lyrics sites that claimed to have the lyrics to The Massacre Revisited, they all had the lyrics to the original Alice’s Restaurant.

So here, without further ado, is the ADDITIONAL lyric at the end of The Massacre Revisited.

Continue reading

Make it Bigger!

Make it bigger!
That’s right, it’s bigger!
I just built this thing like half an hour ago!

Neil Patrick Harris – 2013 Tony Awards

Since David Willis has been offering magnets as premiums in his Dumbing of Age Kickstarter campaigns, I’ve been getting all of them. First, they lived on my refrigerator. Then I bought a 2-ft x 3-ft magnetic whiteboard to display them. This hung in my office, but then I moved to another house, and I stopped having my own office, so the whiteboard was stuffed in a corner in the basement puppet workshop.

Then two things happened: I got the magnets with Willis’ TENTH book… and I finally got a new closet for Christmas.

Continue reading

Don’t claim copyright unless you ACTUALLY made something

One of my friends, Roy Atkinson, used to make a living as a singer/songwriter. I love the songs he wrote, and while I missed getting to hear him sing when he retired from being a musician, I loved getting to geek out with him talking about his new career in computers.

But today, he noticed something on the internet: someone was claiming one of his songs as their own.  Now, the person isn’t attempting to make any money off the song, but when I did a search on the lyrics, that site was the only one that came up. Nowhere was there any reference to Roy’s 1982 album “Beginnings and Ends”, where this song is track 4 on side 1.

The dude was claiming to have written the song for a woman he met, and had the audacity to write:

(Song is copyrighted) **Please don’t steal**
“Another Bottle of Wine” -for [woman’s handle redacted]

I could not allow that to stand.

So I went to the Internet Archive, and I found an archive of the song lyrics and guitar tablature from another friend’s cover of the song in 1994 that was captured by the Wayback Machine off my website in January 1998.  Hopefully, here it will get a little Google love and that plagiarist’s bad copy of the lyrics won’t be the only hit in Google, and my friend can get the credit he deserves.

Pay the Bill in the Morning
by Roy Atkinson
as sung by Dennis D’Asaro.

Dennis capoed 3 (in C) when he played this 1 Dec 94. It is rekeyed here to be in D (capo 1)
Transcription thanks to Alan Catelli (

D         D/F#          Bm
It was a casual conversation
G      A                D
In a casual kind of a place
G      A            D      Bm
Just a passing fasination
G             Bm                           A
Though I must say she had an interesting face

She was a small town girl, a bit lonesome;
I was one of the boys in the band.
Small town girls, good Lord, I've know some;
I was getting tired of the one night stands...

I said:

 D              A                Bm    Bm/A
"Bring us down another bottle of wine, Maria;
G            A                D
Let us have another hour of time.
G       A                 D            G    Em
I'll go home when I can stand to be alone,
              Bm                   A
But here and now I'm doing just fine...
Bring me some wine..."

She said that she had a man in the service;
I said, "Well, I've got a woman back home."
She said, "You're looking kinda nervous."
I said, "Yeah, I'd really rather be gone."

She said, "Well, you can't help what your feeling;
And, my friend, neither can I:
Sometimes you can't touch the ceiling
Even if you're reaching for the sky."

And she said,

Well, I guess I know what your thinking:
And, my friend, you're thinking it wrong.
If you think what I'd been drinking
Made me want to take the girl home.

Sometimes you pay the bill in the morning
For the place where your spending the night.
You can't say you had no warning
When deep in your heart you know it ain't right...


Sometimes, its something she says that's worth keeping...
Sometimes, its something you read in her smile...
Lets you go home, spend the night sleeping,
Sometimes, that's what you need for a while.

Sometimes you pay the bill in the morning
For the bed where your spending the night.
Please don't say you never had warning
When deep in your heart you know it ain't right...

Chorus (ad libbed)


Oi. I hate finding out I’ve been hacked late in the evening…

Earlier this evening, I got an email from Google saying that they’d added a new administrator to one of the domains I have.

Except I didn’t make anyone an administrator.

It seems that someone had used some of the security holes in WordPress to set up a shadow website inside one of my idle websites, and they’d just told Google they were an administrator by putting a verification HTML file in the web root.

I’ve removed the file, disabled the idle website, and gone through patching the security holes in my WordPress websites.  I’d rather not be hosting a site that’s providing page-ranks for spammy Chinese and Japanese websites.

Now time for sleep.

GNU Terry Pratchett

In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, the clacks are a series of semaphore towers loosely based on the concept of the telegraph. Invented by an artificer named Robert Dearheart, the towers could send messages “at the speed of light” using standardized codes. Three of these codes are of particular import:

  • G: send the message on
  • N: do not log the message
  • U: turn the message around at the end of the line and send it back again

When Dearheart’s son John died due to an accident while working on a clacks tower, Dearheart inserted John’s name into the overhead of the clacks with a “GNU” in front of it as a way to memorialize his son forever (or for at least as long as the clacks are standing.)

“A man is not dead while his name is still spoken.”
Going Postal, Chapter 4 prologue

Keeping the legacy of Sir Terry Pratchett alive forever.

For as long as his name is still passed along the Clacks*, Dᴇᴀᴛʜ can’t have him.

Boosting the signal

WorldVentures Marketing, LLC
Phone: (972) 805-5100
Fax: (972) 767-3139
5360 Legacy Dr STE 300 Bldg 1, Plano, TX 75024-3135

WorldVentures describes itself as “the world’s largest direct seller of curated group travel, with more than 120,000 Independent Representatives in over 24 countries and we are still growing.”

But other people describe WorldVentures differently. Some press has been unflattering.  Bloggers and commentators openly call it a scam or a scheme. The Better Business Bureau gives it a B- (the Better Business Bureau site says in big bold letters “This Business is not BBB Accredited”).

Now they’re suing a blogger who, after encountering a WorldVentures marketeer, had the temerity to write a post in her blog entitled “WorldVentures: This Is NOT The Way To Travel The World”.

Now she’s being sued by WorldVentures. Read more about it here:
Popehat Signal: Help A Blogger Threatened By A Multi-Level Marketer WorldVentures

Will WorldVentures sue me, too, for linking to this story?  We’ll find out.