Perl Weekly Challenge: Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Luhn

Not every time is the music that the Perl Weekly Challenge inspires going to be a Broadway show tune, a banger from classic rock, or even a baroque fugue. Sometimes, it’s going to be a marketing jingle: 🎶 Double your pleasure, double your fun, with double good, double good, Doublemint Gum! 🎶

See, it’s because “Luhn” rhymes with fun. No? Fine, let’s chew on Perl Weekly Challenge 290 for a little bit.

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Perl Weekly Challenge: A Man, A Plan, A Canal… PANAMA!

So, when someone mentions palindromes, my mind immediately jumps to my favorite book on mathematics, algorithms, music, art, and philosophy: Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter. This was the book that introduced me to the idea of a musical palindrome, a piece of music that sounds the same played forwards and backwards, and the author cites J.S. Bach’s Crab Canon as an example.

So let’s approach Perl Weekly Challenge 288 from both sides… (no, no, I will not change the theme to Joni’s Clouds).

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Perl Weekly Challenge: Strong but Valid

This week the peek into my brain comes via the first task, Strong Password. Immediately, I thought of David Wilcox’s, Strong Chemistry. Likening passwords to the emotional pull of an ex-lover is probably strange, but, hey, I never claimed to be normal.

With the musical setting out of the way, let’s dive right into Perl Weekly Challenge 287.

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Perl Weekly Challenge: Exact Change Only!

Nothing jumped out at me for the theme this week, so I started free-associating. The first task, “No Connection”, makes me think of bus routes, and that’s reinforced by the second task, “Making Change”. But I’ve already used The Hollies Bus Stop, so I started thinking about busses, and how they keep getting stuck in traffic, and I landed on Jimi Hendrix’s Crosstown Traffic.

So, with the musical background set, let’s not slow down and get to the other side of Perl Weekly Challenge 285.

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Perl Weekly Challenge: Relatively Lucky

This week I’m having trouble locking in on a musical theme. With the tasks being “Lucky Integer” and “Relative Sort”, nothing really jumps out at me. I finally decided that “Lucky” was the key, and that made me think of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer’s Lucky Man.

Now that we have our musical accompaniment, we can work on Perl Weekly Challenge 284!

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Perl Weekly Challenge: Bag! Bag! Bag!

“Bag!” “Bag?”
“Bag! Bag!” “What do you mean, bag, bag?”
“Bag! Bag! Bag!” “What bag?”
“No bag!” “No bag?”
“Your bag! Suddenly! Here! Now—gone!”

When I saw the tasks for this week, my programming brain immediately screamed “Bag!” (it’s becoming my favorite class for PWC problems) and the moment that happened, my theater brain immediately went to Vicky and Roger in Noises Off. My wife, however, pointed out that Noises Off isn’t a musical, so she suggested this week’s musical theme, Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag. James Brown is certainly appropriate accompaniment to Perl Weekly Challenge 283

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