Perl Weekly Challenge: Bitwise Distribution

Before I started on this tonight, I ran across a video of Antônio Carlos Jobim’s One Note Samba being performed by Dean Martin & Caterina Valente, and I knew I needed to make it the musical theme tonight, but I’m going to link you to John Pizzarelli’s version.

So, let’s samba on down to Perl Weekly Challenge 269!

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Perl Weekly Challenge: Now with Elixir!

One of the things I want to challenge myself to do is learn some more useful things, and one of the languages they’re using at work is Elixir. It’s a functional language, not a procedural language like Perl, so this is not only learning a new language but it’s learning a new way to think about code.

Since I can’t really learn by just reading about a language or watching a bunch of excellent videos one of my coworkers produced, I decided that I needed to start doing the Perl Weekly Challenge tasks in Elixir. Today, I’m tackling PWC 267 Task 1.

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