Perl Weekly Challenge: Triplets Prime

From disappointing to worse: not only can’t I come up with a musical theme for this week, I just discovered that I didn’t submit my pull request for last week’s solutions, so they didn’t count. 😭

This week I have to make sure I get my entries in on time.

Task 1: Arithmetic Triplets

You are given an array (3 or more members) of integers in increasing order and a positive integer.

Write a script to find out the number of unique Arithmetic Triplets satisfying the following rules:

a) i < j < k
b) nums[j] - nums[i] == diff
c) nums[k] - nums[j] == diff

Example 1

Input: @nums = (0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 10)
       $diff = 3
Output: 2

Index (1, 2, 4) is an arithmetic triplet because both  7 - 4 == 3 and 4 - 1 == 3.
Index (2, 4, 5) is an arithmetic triplet because both 10 - 7 == 3 and 7 - 4 == 3.

Example 2

Input: @nums = (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
       $diff = 2
Output: 2

(0, 2, 4) is an arithmetic triplet because both 8 - 6 == 2 and 6 - 4 == 2.
(1, 3, 5) is an arithmetic triplet because both 9 - 7 == 2 and 7 - 5 == 2.


Ok, we have two pieces of input: a list of integers in increasing order, and a target difference. We’re looking for three-element increasing order subsets from the list where the difference between the first and second and the second and third elements match the target difference.

It seems the most straightforward way to identify these triplets is to find pairs where the difference is the target difference, and then build triplets from those pairs.


sub findTriplets($diff, @nums) {
  my $count = 0;
  my $details = q{};
  for 0 .. @nums.elems - 3 -> $i {
    for $i + 1 .. @nums.elems - 2 -> $j {
      next unless @nums[$j] - @nums[$i] == $diff;
      for $j + 1 .. @nums.elems - 1 -> $k {
        next unless @nums[$k] - @nums[$j] == $diff;
        $details ~= "($i, $j, $k) is an arithmetic triplet "
          ~  "because both @nums[$k] - @nums[$j] = $diff "
          ~  "and @nums[$j] - @nums[$i] = $diff\n";
  return ($count, $details);

Once again, I find myself chafing that I need to use @nums.elems - 1 to get the index of the last element in a Raku array. In Perl, it’s much easier.

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


sub findTriplets {
  my($diff, $nums) = @_;
  my $count = 0;
  my $details = q{};
  foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#$nums - 2 ) {
    foreach my $j ( $i + 1 .. $#$nums - 1 ) {
      next unless $nums->[$j] - $nums->[$i] == $diff;
      foreach my $k ( $j + 1 .. $#$nums ) {
        next unless $nums->[$k] - $nums->[$j] == $diff;
        $details .= "($i, $j, $k) is an arithmetic triplet "
          .  "because both $nums->[$k] - $nums->[$j] = $diff "
          .  "and $nums->[$j] - $nums->[$i] = $diff\n";
  return ($count, $details);

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.


def findTriplets(diff, nums):
    count = 0
    details = ''
    for i in range(0, len(nums) - 2):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(nums) - 1):
            if not nums[j] - nums[i] == diff:
            for k in range(j + 1, len(nums)):
                if not nums[k] - nums[j] == diff:
                count += 1
                details += (
                    f"({i}, {j}, {k}) is an arithmetic " +
                    f"triplet because both " +
                    f"{nums[k]} - {nums[j]} = {diff} and " +
                    f"{nums[j]} - {nums[i]} = {diff}\n"
    return count, details

This screwed me up for a little while because my indentation on the innermost portion where I was counting results wasn’t properly lined up. This is one of my big complaints about Python: the lack of block delimiters, and all blocks being defined by indentation.

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Task 2: Prime Order

You are given an array of unique positive integers greater than 2.

Write a script to sort them in ascending order of the count of their prime factors, tie-breaking by ascending value.

Example 1

Input: @int = (11, 8, 27, 4)
Output: (11, 4, 8, 27)

Prime factors of 11 => 11
Prime factors of  4 => 2, 2
Prime factors of  8 => 2, 2, 2
Prime factors of 27 => 3, 3, 3

Example 2 (added by me)

Input: @int = (2, 4, 8, 12, 11)
Output: (2, 11, 4, 8, 12)

Prime factors of  2 => 2
Prime factors of 11 => 11
Prime factors of  4 => 2, 2
Prime factors of  8 => 2, 2, 2
Prime factors of 12 => 2, 2, 3


Ok, so first we need to find the prime factors of a given integer. I had to look this up, but the algorithm to find the prime factors of N is:

  • Divide by 2 as many times as possible, checking to see if the remainder is 0
  • Loop from 3 to sqrt(N), dividing and checking to see if the remainder is 0
  • If the remaining number is still > 2, it’s a prime

Once we have a list of the prime factors, we need to sort by list size and numbers in the list.


First, the prime factor algorithm:

sub findPrimeFactors(Int $number) {
  my @factors;
  my $num = $number;
  while ( $num % 2 == 0 ) {
    $num /= 2;
  for 3 .. sqrt($num).Int -> $i {
    while ( $num % $i == 0 ) {
      $num /= $i;
  if ($num > 2) {
  return @factors;

Because we’re assigning to $num, I want it to be a copy of what we get passed in so we don’t change that variable. Now we use that to sort the numbers:

sub sortByPrimeFactors(@int) {
  my %primeFactors;
  # calculate the prime factors for each number
  for @int -> $n {
    %primeFactors{$n} = findPrimeFactors($n);
  # now sort the numbers
  my @sorted = @int.sort({
    # first, sort by number of factors
    %primeFactors{$^a} <=> %primeFactors{$^b}
    # then sort by the value of the factors
    listCompare(%primeFactors{$^a}, %primeFactors{$^b})
  # now build the output
  my $factors = q{};
  for @sorted -> $n {
    $factors ~= sprintf 'Prime factors of %2d => ', $n;
    $factors ~= %primeFactors{$n}.join(', ') ~ "\n";
  return @sorted, $factors;

sub listCompare(@a, @b) {
  # this is only getting called if both lists
  # have the same number of elements
  my $i = 0;

  # compare the corresponding element from each
  # list until they're unequal
  while ($i < @a.elems && @a[$i] == @b[$i]) {
  # if we ran off the end of the list, set $i to 0
  $i = 0 if $i >= @a.elems;

  return @a[$i] <=> @b[$i];

It isn’t an issue in the only example given, so I added another example where it would be an issue: if both lists of factors have the same number of elements, we need to compare the list items one by one until we get an inequality. 8 and 12 are perfect numbers for this, because their factor lists are (2, 2, 2) and (2, 2, 3), respectively, and we have to compare them out to the last element to find a difference.

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


The Perl solution is pretty much exactly the same.

sub findPrimeFactors {
  my $num = shift;
  my @factors;
  while ( $num % 2 == 0 ) {
    push @factors, 2;
    $num /= 2;
  foreach my $i ( 3 .. int(sqrt($num)) ) {
    while ( $num % $i == 0 ) {
      push @factors, $i;
      $num /= $i;
  if ($num > 2) {
    push @factors, $num;
  return @factors;

sub sortByPrimeFactors {
  my @int = @_;
  my %primeFactors;
  # calculate the prime factors for each number
  foreach my $n ( @int ) {
    $primeFactors{$n} = [ findPrimeFactors($n) ];
  # now sort the numbers
  my @sorted = sort {
    # first, sort by number of factors
    $#{$primeFactors{$a}} <=> $#{$primeFactors{$b}}
    # then sort by the value of the factors
    listCompare($primeFactors{$a}, $primeFactors{$b})
  } @int;
  # now build the output
  my $factors = q{};
  foreach my $n ( @sorted ) {
    $factors .= sprintf 'Prime factors of %2d => ', $n;
    $factors .= join(', ', @{$primeFactors{$n}}) . "\n";
  return \@sorted, $factors;

sub listCompare($a, $b) {
  # this is only getting called if both lists
  # have the same number of elements
  my $i = 0;

  # compare the corresponding element from each
  # list until they're unequal
  while ($i <= $#{$a} && $a->[$i] == $b->[$i]) {
  # if we ran off the end of the list, set $i to 0
  $i = 0 if $i > $#{$a};

  return $a->[$i] <=> $b->[$i];

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.


import math

def findPrimeFactors(num):
    factors = []
    while num % 2 == 0:
        num /= 2

    for i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(num))):
        while num % i == 0:
            num /= i

    if num > 2:

    return factors

def sortByPrimeFactors(nums):
    primeFactors = {}
    # calculate the prime factors for each number
    for n in nums:
        primeFactors[n] = findPrimeFactors(n)
    # now sort the numbers
    sorted_list = sorted(nums,
                         key=lambda x: (

    # now build the output
    factors = ''
    for n in sorted_list:
        factors += f'Prime factors of {n:2d} => '
        as_list = ', '.join(
            map(lambda i: str(i), primeFactors[n])
        factors += as_list + '\n'

    return sorted_list, factors

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Here’s all my solutions in GItHub:

Perl Weekly Challenge: Building Acronym Arrays

This Perl Weekly Challenge didn’t lend itself to a song. Drat.

My learning Elixir is going to have to wait a few weeks; I’ve added some theatrical tech work to my evenings, so until I’m done with that, I’m just writing these solutions in the languages I know well.

Task 1: Acronym

You are given an array of strings and a check string.

Write a script to find out if the check string is the acronym of the words in the given array.

Example 1

Input: @str = ("Perl", "Python", "Pascal")
       $chk = "ppp"
Output: true

Example 2

Input: @str = ("Perl", "Raku")
       $chk = "rp"
Output: false

Example 3

Input: @str = ("Oracle", "Awk", "C")
       $chk = "oac"
Output: true


Pretty straightforward: go through each of the items in @str, grab the first character, append it to a string, then lowercase the result and compare it to the value of $chk. Easy-peasy.


Once again, I wanted to use Raku’s Reduction Metaoperator[ ], because it’s just so neat… but at first I couldn’t think of a way to get it to append the first character from each element without it just becoming the first character of the first and last elements. So I did this:

sub makeAcronym(@str) {
  my $acronym;
  for @str -> $s {
    $acronym ~= substr($s, 0, 1);
  return $;

But then I was reading more that the reduction metaoperator gives the same result as the reduce routine, so I went and read up on that. And I saw the following:

When the list contains no elements, an exception is thrown, unless &with is an operator with a known identity value (e.g., the identity value of infix:<+> is 0). For this reason, you’re advised to prefix the input list with an initial value (or explicit identity value):

my \strings = "One good string!", "And one another good string!";
say reduce { $^a ~ $^b }, '', |strings;               # like strings.join 
my \numbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
say reduce { $^a > $^b ?? $^a !! $^b }, 0, |numbers; # like numbers.max 
sub count-and-sum-evens( (Int \count, Int \sum), Int \x ) {
    x %% 2 ?? (count+1, sum+x) !! (count, sum)
say reduce &count-and-sum-evens, (0, 0), |numbers;    # OUTPUT: «(2 6)␤»

Well, that made me think: if I reduced { $^a ~ substr($^b, 0, 1) } and made an empty string the first element of the list I was reducing, then the first time through the reduction my $^a string would be an empty string, and each subsequent time it would be the entirety of the acronym I was building. This got me to a new version:

sub makeAcronym(@str) {
  my $acronym = reduce { $^a ~ substr($^b, 0, 1) },
      ('', |@str);
  return $;

The |@str part took me a little while to grok: because ('', @str) winds up being represented internally as ['', [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] ], I needed some way to flatten @str when it was being added to the list. I thought ('', @str.flat) would do what I wanted, but it didn’t. It turns out that if I was going to use .flat I needed to use ('', @str).flat. But then I realized it was staring me in the face in the documentation: |. This is a quick way to do a Slip:

Sometimes you want to insert the elements of a list into another list. This can be done with a special type of list called a Slip.

Another way to make a Slip is with the | prefix operator. Note that this has a tighter precedence than the comma, so it only affects a single value, but unlike the above options, it will break Scalars.

say (1, |(2, 3), 4) eqv (1, 2, 3, 4);        # OUTPUT: «True␤» 
say (1, |$(2, 3), 4) eqv (1, 2, 3, 4);       # OUTPUT: «True␤» 
say (1, slip($(2, 3)), 4) eqv (1, 2, 3, 4);  # OUTPUT: «True␤»

I was being thrown by the sample code in the reduce routine documentation because it didn’t use a @ sigil for its arrays.

Since I’d gotten it to work with reduce, could I get it to work with a reduction metaoperator? Sure. But because it wasn’t a single operator, I would need to wrap a call to a function instead:

sub firstOfSecond { $^a ~ substr($^b, 0, 1) };

sub makeAcronym(@str) {
  my $acronym = [[&firstOfSecond]] ('', |@str);
  return $;

I like that solution a lot. View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


It turns out my Perl-fu is still greater than my Raku-fu, because turning the Raku code into Perl code just fell from my fingers:

use List::Util qw( reduce );

sub makeAcronym {
  my $str = shift;
  my $acronym = reduce { $a . substr($b, 0, 1) } '', @$str;
  return lc($acronym);

Mostly, it’s Perl’s proclivity to generate lists from scalars or arrays separated by commas. I didn’t have to do anything fancy to make sure that '', @$str was flattened to a list of scalars.
View the entire Perl script on GitHub.


Because last week I was using functools.reduce, it was fresh on my mind.

from functools import reduce

def makeAcronym(str_list):
    # add empty string to beginning of list
    str_list = [''] + str_list
    acronym = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b[0], str_list)
    return acronym.lower()

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Task 2: Build Array

You are given an array of integers.

Write a script to create an array such that new[i] = old[old[i]] where 0 <= i < new.length.

Example 1

Input: @int = (0, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4)
Output: (0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3)

Example 2

Input: @int = (5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
Output: (4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3)


This one feels weird. I think its the old[old[i]] construction that makes it a little confusing. I’m hoping that given the array old I’ll just be able to use old[old[i]] as I loop through the indices of the array and it will just produce the desired output.

I also don’t know why it specifies new.length instead of old.length, because if we’re building the array new, we don’t really know the length of the array before we start, and if we tried to have i >= old.length we’d get an out-of-bounds error (whether it was caught or not) when we tried to access old[i]. Oh, well.


sub buildArray(@old) {
  my @new;
  for 0 .. @old.elems - 1 -> $i {
  return @new;

And it does produce the desired output. View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


sub buildArray(@old) {
  my @new;
  foreach my $i (0 .. $#old) {
    push @new, $old[$old[$i]];
  return @new;

One thing I like about Perl over Raku is being able to say $#old to get the index of the last element of an array instead of @old.elems - 1. View the entire Perl script on GitHub.


def buildArray(old):
    new = []
    for i in range(0, len(old)):
    return new

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Here’s all my solutions in GItHub:

Perl Weekly Challenge: Now it’s the same old string, but with consistency since you’ve been gone…

This week’s Perl Weekly Challenge tasks reminded me of It’s the Same Old Song.

I want to add Elixir to the guest languages I’m implementing these in, but it’s a busy week, due to the new job and theatrical tech evenings. Maybe next week.

Task 1: Same String

You are given two arrays of strings.

Write a script to find out if the word created by concatenating the array elements is the same.

Example 1

Input: @arr1 = ("ab", "c")
       @arr2 = ("a", "bc")
Output: true

Using @arr1, word1 => "ab" . "c" => "abc"
Using @arr2, word2 => "a" . "bc" => "abc"

Example 2

Input: @arr1 = ("ab", "c")
       @arr2 = ("ac", "b")
Output: false

Using @arr1, word1 => "ab" . "c" => "abc"
Using @arr2, word2 => "ac" . "b" => "acb"

Example 3

Input: @arr1 = ("ab", "cd", "e")
       @arr2 = ("abcde")
Output: true

Using @arr1, word1 => "ab" . "cd" . "e" => "abcde"
Using @arr2, word2 => "abcde"


This is a pretty straightforward task: accept two arrays of strings, concatenate each of the arrays until they produce a single string, and then compare whether the strings are the same. In fact, this reminds me of Raku’s Reduction Metaoperator[ ], so I think I’ll do that code first:


sub sameString(@arr1, @arr2) {
  my $words = "";
  my $word1 = [~] @arr1;
  $words ~= "\n" ~ 'Using @arr1, word1 => "'
         ~ @arr1.join('" . "')
         ~ '" => "' ~ $word1 ~ '"';
  my $word2 = [~] @arr2;
  $words ~= "\n" ~ 'Using @arr2, word2 => "'
         ~ @arr2.join("' . '")
         ~  '" => "' ~ $word2 ~ '"';
  my $same = $word1 eq $word2;
  return($same, $words);

Ugh. That’s too much repeated code.

sub concatString($num, @arr) {
  my $word = [~] @arr;
  my $words = "\nUsing \@arr$num, word$num => \""
            ~ @arr.join('" . "')
            ~ '" => "' ~ $word ~ '"';
  return ($word, $words);

sub sameString(@arr1, @arr2) {
  my ($word1, $words1) = concatString(1, @arr1);
  my ($word2, $words2) = concatString(2, @arr2);
  return($word1 eq $word2, $words1 ~ $words2);

There. Much better. View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


Really, the only changes I need to make to back-port the Raku to Perl is

  • Use List::Util::reduce to replace Raku’s reduction metaoperator
  • Use array references instead of array objects
  • Swap Raku’s ~ string concatenation operator for Perl’s . string concatenation operator
use List::Util qw( reduce );

sub concatString {
  my($num, $arr) = @_;
  my $word = reduce { $a . $b } @$arr;
  my $words = "\nUsing \@arr$num, word$num => \""
            . join('" . "', @$arr)
            . '" => "' . $word . '"';
  return ($word, $words);

sub sameString {
  my ($arr1, $arr2) = @_;
  my ($word1, $words1) = concatString(1, $arr1);
  my ($word2, $words2) = concatString(2, $arr2);
  return($word1 eq $word2, $words1 . $words2);

And that’s it. As you can see on on GitHub, the rest of the script is identical.


Similarly, Python has a functools.reduce function:

from functools import reduce

def concatString(num, arr):
    word = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, arr)
    words = (
      f'\nUsing @arr{num}, word{num} => "' +
      "' . '".join(arr) +
      f'" => "{word}"'
    return word, words

def sameString(arr1, arr2):
    word1, words1 = concatString(1, arr1)
    word2, words2 = concatString(2, arr2)
    return(word1 == word2, words1 + words2)

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Task 2: Consistent Strings

You are given an array of strings and allowed string having distinct characters.

A string is consistent if all characters in the string appear in the string allowed.

Write a script to return the number of consistent strings in the given array.

Example 1

Input: @str = ("ad", "bd", "aaab", "baa", "badab")
       $allowed = "ab"
Output: 2

Strings "aaab" and "baa" are consistent since they only contain characters 'a' and 'b'.

Example 2

Input: @str = ("a", "b", "c", "ab", "ac", "bc", "abc")
       $allowed = "abc"
Output: 7

Example 3

Input: @str = ("cc", "acd", "b", "ba", "bac", "bad", "ac", "d")
       $allowed = "cad"
Output: 4

Strings "cc", "acd", "ac", and "d" are consistent.


I’m not reproducing the explanatory text this time. So, we’re given a list of characters that are allowed, and we need to count the strings in an array that only use those characters. This feels to me a lot like regular expression character classes! The “allowed” parameter defines the characters in the class, and we count the strings in @str that consist entirely of those characters.


sub consistentCount($allowed, @str) {
  my $regex = '^ <[' ~ $allowed ~ ']>+ $';
  my $count = 0;
  for @str -> $s {
    $count++ if $s.match: / <$regex> /;
  return $count;

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.


Again, the only changes I need to make to back-port the Raku to Perl is

  • Switch to Perl’s regular expression format and matching operators
  • Use array references instead of array objects
  • Swap Raku’s ~ string concatenation operator for Perl’s . string concatenation operator
sub consistentCount {
  my($allowed, $str) = @_;
  my $regex = '^[' . $allowed . ']+$';
  my $count = 0;
  foreach my $s ( @$str ) {
    $count++ if $s =~ /$regex/;
  return $count;

Again, that’s it. As you can see on on GitHub, the rest of the script is identical.


For Python, we need to import the regular expression library, but the syntax of the regular expression itself is the same as Perl.

import re

def consistentCount(allowed, str):
    regex = re.compile('^[' + allowed + ']+$')
    count = 0
    for s in str:
        if regex.match(s):
            count += 1
    return count

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Here’s all my solutions in GItHub:

Perl Weekly Challenge: Be Runnin’ Up That Sum, Be Persisten’ Up That Sort

Yes, yes, after last week, my brain wants to hear music based on the Perl Weekly Challenge. Because I’m starting a new job this week (yay!), I’m going to hold off on the Java solution and blog about it later. I want to keep up with the process of learning Java by adding it to the “guest languages” I do PWC solutions in, but I don’t want to delay getting my primary languages (Perl, Raku, & Python) submitted because I’ve got new-job tasks to accomplish.

Though my new job does have code in a language that’s new to me—Elixir. Since Elixir’s a functional language like Lisp, I want to learn it so I can better understand how my Elixir-coding coworkers think, so that’s going to be the next guest language I add to the PWC.

Task 1: Running Sum

You are given an array of integers.

Write a script to return the running sum of the given array. The running sum can be calculated as sum[i] = num[0] + num[1] + …. + num[i].

Example 1

Input: @int = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Output: (1, 3, 6, 10, 15)

Example 2

Input: @int = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Output: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Example 3

Input: @int = (0, -1, 1, 2)
Output: (0, -1, 0, 2)

Once again, there’s an easier way to calculate the values being asked for than the way problem is defined. See, the way the problem is defined, it would appear that the way to generate the output array would be like this:

for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#int; $i++) {
  # sum the 0th through $i-th numbers in @int
  my $sum = $int[0];
  for (my $j = 1; $j <= $i; $j++) {
    $sum += $int[$j];
  $sums[$i] = $sum;

Or, if we were savvy about modules, we would use sum out of List::Util and an array slice to avoid the inner loop:

use List::Util qw(sum);
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#int; $i++) {
  # sum the 0th through $i-th numbers in @int
  $sums[$i] = sum @int[0 .. $i];

But… note that each new number in the output array is obtained by adding the next number in the input array to the last number in the output array. So we don’t need more than one loop through the input array:

sub runningSum {
  my @int = @_;
  my @sums;
  my $running_sum = 0;
  foreach my $num ( @int ) {
    # add the next number to the sum of numbers before it
    $running_sum += $num;
    # add the current running sum to the output array
    push @sums, $running_sum;
  return @sums;

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.

On to the Raku solution, which really shows how closely related Perl and Raku are. The only changes I made were accepting the @int array as a defined parameter, the syntax of the for loop, and using the .push() method on @sums instead of push @sums, $running_sum;.

sub runningSum(*@int) {
  my @sums;
  my $running_sum = 0;
  for @int -> $num {
    # add the next number to the sum of numbers before it
    $running_sum += $num;
    # add the current running sum to the output array
    @sums.push( $running_sum );
  return @sums;

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.

In much the same way, Python didn’t require much changes from the Raku version besides its silly syntax differences:

def runningSum(int):
    sums = []
    running_sum = 0
    for num in int:
        # add the next number to the sum of numbers before it
        running_sum += num
        # add the current running sum to the output array
        sums.append( running_sum )
    return sums

Really, I chalk this up to Python (even though it’s based off ABC) liberally borrowing syntax ideas from C-family programming languages. Which might be why I picked up Python so quickly: it feels really familiar.

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Task 2: Persistence Sort

You are given an array of positive integers.

Write a script to sort the given array in increasing order with respect to the count of steps required to obtain a single-digit number by multiplying its digits recursively for each array element. If any two numbers have the same count of steps, then print the smaller number first.

Example 1

Input: @int = (15, 99, 1, 34)
Output: (1, 15, 34, 99)

15 => 1 x 5 => 5 (1 step)
99 => 9 x 9 => 81 => 8 x 1 => 8 (2 steps)
1  => 0 step
34 => 3 x 4 => 12 => 1 x 2 => 2 (2 steps)

Example 2

Input: @int = (50, 25, 33, 22)
Output: (22, 33, 50, 25)

50 => 5 x 0 => 0 (1 step)
25 => 2 x 5 => 10 => 1 x 0 => 0 (2 steps)
33 => 3 x 3 => 9 (1 step)
22 => 2 x 2 => 4 (1 step)

This time, we want to be able to multiply all the digits in a number, and product in List::Util will be very useful!

my $step_count = 0;
while ( length($num) > 1 ) {
  # split $num into its individual digits
  my @digits = split //, $num;
  # generate a new number by multiplying all the digits
  $num = product @digits;
  # add to our count of steps

But since we need to do this for each number in our input array and then later sort based on the results, let’s make the step count a hash indexed on the number. Note that because $num is an alias to the actual value in the @int array, we should make a copy of $num so we’re not modifying the values in @int.

my %step_count;
foreach my $num ( @int ) {
  $step_count{$num} = 0;
  my $num_copy = $num; # copy the num so we can modify it
  while ( length($num_copy) > 1 ) {
    # split $num_copy into its individual digits
    my @digits = split //, $num_copy;

    # generate a new number by multiplying all the digits
    $num_copy = product @digits;

    # add to our count of steps

Once we have a %step_count hash containing how many steps were needed for each number, sorting the input array as requested becomes trivial:

my @sorted = sort {
  # sort by step count
  $step_count{$a} <=> $step_count{$b}
  # then sort numerically
  $a <=> $b
} @int;

Once I added code to generate the verbose step explanations seen in the examples, we have the following :

use List::Util qw( product );

sub persistenceSort {
  my @int = @_;
  my %step_count;
  my $steps;
  # first, calculates the steps for each number
  foreach my $num ( @int ) {
    $step_count{$num} = 0;

    $steps .= "\n$num"; # our starting number

    my $num_copy = $num; # copy the num so we can modify it

    while ( length($num_copy) > 1 ) {
      # split $num_copy into its individual digits
      my @digits = split //, $num_copy;

      # generate a new number by multiplying all the digits
      $num_copy = product @digits;

      # show the multiplication in the steps for this num
      $steps .= ' => ' . join(' x ', @digits);
      $steps .= " => $num_copy";

      # add to our count of steps

    # put the step count in the steps for this num
    $steps .=
      sprintf " (%d step%s)", $step_count{$num},
              $step_count{$num} == 1 ? '' : 's';

  # now, sort by steps/numeric value
  my @sorted = sort {
    # sort by step count
    $step_count{$a} <=> $step_count{$b}
    # then sort numerically
    $a <=> $b
  } @int;

  return \@sorted, $steps;

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.

With Raku, there are a few differences:

  • I didn’t need to pull in a module to get the product of the digits, because that’s something built into the language with Raku’s Reduction Metaoperator[ ]. So, what in Perl was $num_copy = List::Util::product @digits; became $num_copy = [*] @digits; in Raku.
  • When counting the number of digits in $num_copy, we need to pass it through the Int class’ .Str method to get a string representation of the number.
  • Perl’s length() function becomes Raku’s Str class’ .chars routine.
  • As I noted back in PWC 334, when splitting a string into its component characters, make sure you add the :skip-empty parameter, otherwise you’ll get leading and trailing empty character entries.
  • And one of the tricky things I’ve noticed is if you’re returning a List from a subroutine, if you try to capture it in a variable with the @ sigil, the list is assigned to the first element of the variable.
sub persistenceSort(*@int) {
  my %step_count;
  my $steps;
  # first, calculates the steps for each number
  for @int -> $num {
    %step_count{$num} = 0;

    $steps ~= "\n$num"; # our starting number

    my $num_copy = $num; # copy the num so we can modify it

    while ( $num_copy.Str.chars > 1 ) {
      # split $num_copy into its individual digits
      my @digits = $num_copy.split('', :skip-empty);

      # generate a new number by multiplying all the digits
      $num_copy = [*] @digits;

      # show the multiplication in the steps for this num
      $steps ~= ' => ' ~ @digits.join(' x ');
      $steps ~= " => $num_copy";

      # add to our count of steps

    # put the step count in the steps for this num
    $steps ~=
      sprintf " (%d step%s)", %step_count{$num},
              %step_count{$num} == 1 ?? '' !! 's';

  # now, sort by steps/numeric value
  my @sorted = @int.sort({
    # sort by step count
    %step_count{$^a} <=> %step_count{$^b}
    # then sort numerically
    $^a <=> $^b

  return @sorted, $steps;

sub solution {
  my @int = @_;
  say 'Input: @int = (' ~ @int.join(', ') ~ ')';
  # if we attempt to capture the returned array in
  # @sorted, the array becomes the first ELEMENT in
  # @sorted (and the $steps Str becomes the second
  # element) so we capture it in $sorted
  my ($sorted, $steps) = persistenceSort(@int);
  say 'Output: (' ~ $sorted.join(', ') ~ ')';
  say $steps;

View the entire Raku script for this task on GitHub.

With Python, I initially encountered a problem because I had defined the input parameter to persistenceSort to be the variable int… but that shadowed the Python function int() that I needed to convert individual characters back to integers and caused TypeError: 'list' object is not callable when I tried to execute lambda a, b: int(a) * int(b). Quickly renaming the variable to int_list solved the problem.

Edit: Initially, I had a custom sort function to handle the multi-factor sorting, but then I was reading some more and I discovered that if the key function returned a tuple, Python would do what we want: sort by the first element of the tuple, but if the first elements are equal, sort by the second element of the tuple.

from functools import cmp_to_key, reduce

def persistenceSort(int_list):
    step_count = {}
    steps = ""

    # first, calculates the steps for each number
    for num in int_list:
        step_count[num] = 0

        steps += f"\n{num}" # our starting number

        num_copy = str(num) # copy the num so we can modify it

        while len(num_copy) > 1:
            # split num_copy into its individual digits
            digits = list(num_copy)

            # generate a new number by multiplying
            # all the digits
            num_copy = str(
                    lambda a, b: int(a) * int(b),

            # show the multiplication in the steps for this num
            steps += ' => ' + ' x '.join(digits)
            steps += ' => ' + num_copy

            # add to our count of steps
            step_count[num] += 1

        # put the step count in the steps for this num
        step_word = 'step' if step_count[num] == 1 else 'steps'
        steps += f" ({step_count[num]} {step_word})"

    # now, sort by steps/numeric value
    sorted_list = sorted(int_list,
                         key=lambda x: (step_count[x], x))

    return sorted_list, steps

View the entire Python script for this task on GitHub.

Here’s all my solutions in GItHub:

Perl Weekly Challenge: Minute by minute, that’s how you win it!

Ok, it’s time for another Perl Weekly Challenge, but first a note about the blog title: when I first saw the name of the first task, my brain started singing the big number from Disney’s Newsies: The MusicalSeize The Day. Yes, I’m a Perl geek, but I’m also a theater geek.

So, onward with Perl Weekly Challenge 237!

Task 1: Seize The Day

Given a year, a month, a weekday of month, and a day of week (1 (Mon) .. 7 (Sun)), print the day.

Example 1

Input: Year = 2024, Month = 4, Weekday of month = 3, day of week = 2
Output: 16

The 3rd Tue of Apr 2024 is the 16th

Example 2

Input: Year = 2025, Month = 10, Weekday of month = 2, day of week = 4
Output: 9

The 2nd Thu of Oct 2025 is the 9th

Example 3

Input: Year = 2026, Month = 8, Weekday of month = 5, day of week = 3
Output: 0

There isn't a 5th Wed in Aug 2026

This reminds me a lot of challenge 227, which also involved manipulating dates: in that case, counting up the number of Friday the 13ths in a given year. For that challenge, I started at the first of the year, then found the first Friday, then rolled forward by a week and counted the number of times the day of the month was the 13th. This time, I’m starting at the first of the month that’s specified, finding the first occurrence of the specified day of the week, and then rolling forward by a week until I reach the desired weekday of the month or I roll off the end of the month.


  • The format of the examples is using a 0-Sunday-indexed day of the week (0 = Sun, 2 = Tue, 3 = Wed, 4 = Thu), but Time::Piece‘s wday method is 1-Sunday-indexed (1 = Sun, 3 = Tue, 4 = Wed, 5 = Thu)
  • If I want to print out the descriptive text, I probably want to use the ordinal method in Lingua::EN::Inflexion::Noun (I used the Lingua::EN::Inflexion module back in challenge 230).
# let's use the core modules for date manipulation
use Time::Piece;
use Time::Seconds qw( ONE_DAY );
use Lingua::EN::Inflexion qw( noun );

sub seizeTheDay {
  my %params = @_;
  # build the first day of the specified month
  my $start = $params{year} . '-' . $params{month} . '-01';
  # create an object for Jan 01 of the given year
  my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($start, "%Y-%m-%d")
                     ->truncate(to => 'day');
  # in Time::Piece->wday, 1 = Sun, 2 = Mon, 3 = Tue, but our
  # input is 0 = Sun, 1 = Mon, 2 = Tue, so adjust our input

  # find the FIRST instance of the desired day of the week
  while ( $t->wday != $params{day_of_week} ) {
    $t += ONE_DAY; # add 1 day

  # take note of some values that won't change
  # for our description
  my $year  = $t->year;
  my $month = $t->month;
  my $dow   = $t->wdayname;
  my $count = 1;

  my $ord_weekday_of_month = 

  # now roll forward through the month until the desired
  # weekday of the month
  while (
    # we're still in the desired month
    $t->mon == $params{month}
    # we haven't reached the desired weekday of the month
    $count != $params{weekday_of_month}
  ) {
    # add a week to the date
    $t += ONE_DAY * 7;
    # add to the weekday of the month count

  # if we rolled out of the month, return an error condition
  if ($t->mon != $params{month}) {
    return 0, "There isn't a $ord_weekday_of_month $dow "
            . "in $month $year";
  else {
    # take note of what the day of the month is
    my $day = $t->day_of_month;
    my $ord_day_of_month = noun($day)->ordinal(0);
    return $day, "The $ord_weekday_of_month $dow "
               . "of $month $year is the $ord_day_of_month";

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.

In Raku, the built-in Date class is easier to deal with, and the output of the .day-of-week method matches the input we’re getting for the day of week, but…

  • There’s no built-in facility in Date to produce the English names for months and weekdays, so I loaded Tom Browder’s Date::Names module.
  • I needed a way to get ordinals from numbers, so I loaded Steve Schulze’s Lingua::EN::Numbers.
use Date::Names;
use Lingua::EN::Numbers; # for ordinal-digit()

sub seizeTheDay(
  Int :$year,
  Int :$month,
  Int :$weekday_of_month,
  Int :$day_of_week
) {
  # object for the first day of the specified month
  my $t =$year, $month, 1);

  # in, 0 = Sun, 1 = Mon, 2 = Tue,
  # which matches our input, so no adjustment is needed

  # find the FIRST instance of the desired day of the week
  while ( $ != $day_of_week ) {
    $t++; # add 1 day

  # instantiate a Date::Names object
  my $dn =;

  # take note of some values that won't change
  # for our description
  my $month_name = $dn.mon($t.month);
  my $dow        = $dn.dow($;
  my $count      = 1;

  my $ord_weekday_of_month = ordinal-digit($weekday_of_month);

  # now roll forward through the month until the desired
  # weekday of the month
  while (
    # we're still in the desired month
    $t.month == $month
    # we haven't reached the desired weekday of the month
    $count < $weekday_of_month
  ) {
    # add a week to the date
    $t += 7;
    # add to the weekday of the month count

  # if we rolled out of the month, return an error condition
  if ($t.month != $month) {
    return 0, "There isn't a $ord_weekday_of_month $dow "
            ~ "in $month $year";
  else {
    # take note of what the day of the month is
    my $day = $;
    my $ord_day_of_month = ordinal-digit($day);
    return $day, "The $ord_weekday_of_month $dow "
               ~ "of $month $year is the $ord_day_of_month";

View the entire Raku script for this task in GitHub.

Python has a really robust datetime module, so of course I was going to use that, but I didn’t find anything in the standard library that generated ordinal numbers, so I went ahead and installed Savoir-faire Linux’s num2words module.

from datetime  import date, timedelta
from num2words import num2words

def seizeTheDay(year, month, weekday_of_month, day_of_week):
    Function to determine, given a year, month, weekday of
    month and day of week, whether such a date exists and,
    if so, what day of the month it is.
    # object for the first day of the specified month
    t = date(year, month, 1)

    # returns 1 = Mon, 2 = Tue, etc.,
    # which matches our input, so no adjustment is needed

    # find the FIRST instance of the desired day of the week
    while ( t.isoweekday() != day_of_week ):
        t += timedelta(days = 1) # add 1 day

    # take note of some values that won't change
    # for our description
    month_name = t.strftime('%b')
    dow        = t.strftime('%a')
    count      = 1
    ord_weekday_of_month = num2words(
        weekday_of_month, to="ordinal_num"

    # now roll forward through the month until the desired
    # weekday of the month
    while (
      # we're still in the desired month
      t.month == month
      # we haven't reached the desired weekday of the month
      count < weekday_of_month
        # add a week to the date
        t += timedelta(days = 7)
        # add to the weekday of the month count
        count += 1

    # if we rolled out of the month, return an error condition
    if (t.month != month):
          f"There isn't a {ord_weekday_of_month} {dow} " +
          f"in {month_name} {year}"
        # take note of what the day of the month is
        day =
        ord_day_of_month = num2words(day, to="ordinal_num")
            f"The {ord_weekday_of_month} {dow} " +
            f"of {month_name} {year} is the {ord_day_of_month}"

View the entire Python script in GitHub.

For the Java implementation, I decided to make seizeTheDay its own class, because I could then return an object that had attributes with the day and description in it. I had to search to learn how to do date manipulation, but once I found examples, it was pretty easy to grok. I couldn’t find a standard library to turn my numbers into ordinals, so I rolled my own.

I also learned that String.format() can accept C printf()-style format strings, not the weird positional ones I’d been using. That was a welcome discovery,

import java.util.Calendar;  
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

class seizeTheDay {
  public int    day;
  public String description;

  public seizeTheDay(
    int year,
    int month,
    int weekday_of_month,
    int day_of_week
  ) {
    // object for the first day of the specified month
    Calendar t = Calendar.getInstance();
    t.set(year, month - 1, 1);

    // find the FIRST instance of the desired day of the week
    while (t.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != day_of_week+1) {
      t.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);

    String month_str =
      new SimpleDateFormat("MMM").format(t.getTime());
    String dow_str =
      new SimpleDateFormat("EEE").format(t.getTime());
    int count = 1;

    // now roll forward through the month until the desired
    // weekday of the month
    while (
      // we're still in the desired month
      t.get(Calendar.MONTH) == month - 1
      // we haven't reached the desired weekday of the month
      count &lt; weekday_of_month
    ) {
      t.add(Calendar.DATE, 7);
    if (t.get(Calendar.MONTH) != month - 1) { = 0;
      this.description = String.format(
        "There isn't a %s %s in %s %d",
    else { = t.get(Calendar.DATE);
      this.description = String.format(
        "The %s %s of %s %d is the %s",

  private String ord_suffix(int num) {
    // quick function to add an ordinal suffix
    // to a number
    if (num == 11 || num == 12 | num == 13) {
      return num + "th";
    else {
      switch (num % 10) {
        case 1:  return num + "st";
        case 2:  return num + "nd";
        case 3:  return num + "rd";
        default: return num + "th";

View the entire Java file in GitHub.

Task 2: Maximise Greatness

You are given an array of integers.

Write a script to permute the given array such that you get the maximum possible greatness.

To determine greatness, nums[i] < perm[i] where 0 <= i < nums.length

Example 1

Input: @nums = (1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 3, 1)
Output: 4

One possible permutation: (2, 5, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1) which returns 4 greatness as below:
nums[0] &lt; perm[0]
nums[1] &lt; perm[1]
nums[3] &lt; perm[3]
nums[4] &lt; perm[4]

Example 2

Input: @ints = (1, 2, 3, 4)
Output: 3

One possible permutation: (2, 3, 4, 1) which returns 3 greatness as below:
nums[0] &lt; perm[0]
nums[1] &lt; perm[1]
nums[2] &lt; perm[2]

This problem looks like there are multiple ways to solve it. The simplest way would be to just make all the possible permutations of the number array and count up the “greatness” of each. But for the first example with an array of 7 items, that means generating 5040 (7!) permutations and testing each of them. There has to be a better way.

I think there is: count up how many of each number we have, and then build a permutation item by item where either the item is the smallest remaining number larger than the current item, or the smallest remaining number. In fact, when we look at the example permutations, that’s exactly how they’re structured…

In example 1, we have the list 1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 3, 1, which has three 1s, one 2, two 3s, and one 5. So when building the permutation, we pair up one of the 2s with the first 1, the 5 with the first 3, then because there’s nothing greater than 5, we use one of the 1s, then one of the 3s with the 2, the remaining 3 with the next 1, and then we have to use the remaining 1s for the rest of the list.

In example 2, we have the list 1, 2, 3, 4, which has one each of 1, 2, 3, 4, and as we build the greatest permutation, each time we pair up the smallest possible number that’s greater than the current item: 2, 3, 4, and then finally the 1, because nothing in the list was greater than 4.

So, now to implement this in Perl. My first crack looked like this:

sub greatness {
  # determine the "greatness" of a permutation
  # relative to the original array; accepts two
  # array references to do the comparison
  my ($nums, $perm) = @_;
  my $greatness = 0;
  foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#$nums ) {
    $greatness++ if $nums->[$i] < $perm->[$i];
  return $greatness;

sub removeNumFromCount {
  # since we do this in two locations below,
  # make this a subroutine we can call;
  # accept a reference to the count hash and
  # the number being removed
  my ($num_count, $num) = @_;

  # decrement the count of that number available

  # if there are no more of that number, remove it
  # from the %num_count hash
  delete $num_count->{$num}
    if $num_count->{$num} == 0;

sub greatestPermutation {
  my @nums = @_;
  # first, count up how many of each num we have
  my %num_count;
  foreach my $num ( @nums ) {

  # now, build a permutation that maximizes "greatness"
  my @perm;
  NUM: foreach my $num ( @nums ) {
    my @available = sort keys %num_count;
    my $smallest_available = $available[0];
    foreach my $avail ( @available ) {
      if ( $avail > $num ) {
        # push the available number onto the permutation
        push @perm, $avail;

        removeNumFromCount(\%num_count, $avail);

        # go to the next input number
        next NUM;
    # we didn't find an available number larger than $num,
    # so let's put the smallest available number on @perm
    push @perm, $smallest_available;

    removeNumFromCount(\%num_count, $smallest_available);

  return @perm;

But I was getting bothered by repeating sort keys %num_count the once per item in the input array. Sorting is a somewhat expensive operation, and really, if we’ve sorted the list of available numbers once, we don’t need to sort it again—we just need to remove numbers that aren’t available anymore, and that can be accomplished with a simple scan of the array. So I modified removeNumFromCount to accept a second reference, this time to the array I’m storing the result of sort keys %num_count in:

sub removeNumFromCount {
  # since we do this in two locations below,
  # make this a subroutine we can call;
  # accept references to the count hash and
  # the list of available numbers, and the
  # number being removed
  my ($num_count, $available, $num) = @_;

  # decrement the count of that number available

  # if there are no more of that number, remove it
  # from the %num_count hash and the @available array
  if ( $num_count->{$num} == 0 ) {
    # remove key from the hash
    delete $num_count->{$num};
    # filter array to not include $num
    @$available = grep { $_ != $num } @$available;

sub greatestPermutation {
  my @nums = @_;
  # first, count up how many of each num we have
  my %num_count;
  foreach my $num ( @nums ) {

  # now, build a permutation that maximizes "greatness"
  my @perm;
  my @available = sort keys %num_count; # do the sort once
  NUM: foreach my $num ( @nums ) {
    my $smallest_available = $available[0];
    foreach my $avail ( @available ) {
      if ( $avail > $num ) {
        # push the available number onto the permutation
        push @perm, $avail;

          \%num_count, \@available, $avail

        # go to the next input number
        next NUM;
    # we didn't find an available number larger than $num,
    # so let's put the smallest available number on @perm
    push @perm, $smallest_available;

      \%num_count, \@available, $smallest_available

  return @perm;

View the entire Perl script for this task on GitHub.

The Raku version is pretty much exactly the same, except for the syntactical differences between Perl and Raku:

sub greatness(@nums, @perm) {
  # determine the "greatness" of a permutation
  # relative to the original array; accepts two
  # arrays to do the comparison
  my $greatness = 0;
  for 0 .. @nums.elems - 1 -> $i {
    $greatness++ if @nums[$i] < @perm[$i];
  return $greatness;

sub removeNumFromCount(%num_count, @available, $num) {
  # since we do this in two locations below,
  # make this a subroutine we can call; accept
  # the count hash and the list of available
  # numbers, and the number being removed

  # decrement the count of that number available

  # if there are no more of that number, remove it
  # from the %num_count hash and the @available array
  if ( %num_count{$num} == 0 ) {
    # remove key from the hash
    # filter array to not include $num
    @available = @available.grep( { $_ != $num } );

sub greatestPermutation(@nums) {
  # first, count up how many of each num we have
  my %num_count;
  for @nums -> $num {

  # now, build a permutation that maximizes "greatness"
  my @perm;
  my @available = %num_count.keys().sort(); # do the sort once
  NUM: for @nums -> $num {
    my $smallest_available = @available[0];
    for @available -> $avail {
      if ( $avail > $num ) {
        # push the available number onto the permutation

          %num_count, @available, $avail

        # go to the next input number
        next NUM;
    # we didn't find an available number larger than $num,
    # so let's put the smallest available number on @perm
    push @perm, $smallest_available;

      %num_count, @available, $smallest_available

  return @perm;

View the entire Raku script for this task in GitHub.

When writing the Python version for this, it occurred to me that I don’t need to remove values from num_count when their count becomes 0 anymore: because I’m just removing values from available when their count drops to 0 instead of re-populating available by sorting the keys of num_count, I don’t care if there are keys in num_count with a 0 count anymore. I’m getting my next possible values for the permutation from available. I’ve gone back and made this change to the Perl and Raku versions I checked in, but I’m keeping how I originally wrote about them above.

def greatness(nums, perm):
    Function to enumerate the greatness of
    the list perm relative to the list nums
    greatness_num = 0
    for i in range(0, len(nums) - 1):
        if nums[i] < perm[i]:
            greatness_num += 1
    return greatness_num

def greatestPermutation(nums):
    Function to generate a permutation of the list nums
    which has the largest relative "greatness" to nums

    # first, count up how many of each num we have
    num_count = {}
    for num in nums:
        num_count[num] = num_count.get(num, 0) + 1

    # now, build a permutation that maximizes "greatness"
    perm = []
    available = sorted(num_count.keys()) # only sort once
    for num in nums:
        # default to the smallest available number
        num_to_add = available[0]

        # but now look for the smallest available number
        # that's GREATER than the current number
        for avail in available:
            if avail > num:
                num_to_add = avail

        # add num_to_add to the permutation

        # decrement its count in num_count
        num_count[num_to_add] -= 1

        # if there are no more, remove it from available
        if num_count[num_to_add] == 0:
            available = [
                x for x in available if x != num_to_add

    return perm

View the entire Python script in GitHub.

This Java solution was trickier because I wound up using a lot of three-term loops which I didn’t always get right.

  public static int greatness(int[] nums, int[] perm) {
    // determine the "greatness" of a permutation
    // relative to the original array; accepts two
    // arrays to do the comparison
    int greatness_num = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i &lt; nums.length; i++) {
      if (nums[i] &lt; perm[i]) {
    return greatness_num;

  public static int[] greatestPermutation(int[] nums) {
    // first, count up how many of each num we have
    HashMap&lt;Integer, Integer> num_count =
      new HashMap&lt;Integer, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i &lt; nums.length; i++) {
        num_count.getOrDefault(nums[i], 0) + 1

    // make a list of the available numbers
    // to put in a permutation
    List&lt;Integer> available =
      new ArrayList&lt;>(num_count.keySet());

    // now, build a permutation that maximizes "greatness"
    List&lt;Integer> perm = new ArrayList&lt;>();
    for (Integer num : nums) {
      // default to the smallest available number
      int num_to_add = available.get(0);
      for (int i = 0; i &lt; available.size(); i++) {
        int this_num = available.get(i);
        if (num &lt; this_num) {
          num_to_add = this_num;

      // decrement the count of that number available
        num_count.get(num_to_add) - 1
      // if there are no more of that number, remove it
      // from available list
      if ( num_count.get(num_to_add) == 0 ) {
        // filter array to not include $num
        int size = available.size();
        for (int i = 1; i &lt; size; i++) {
          int this_num = available.get(i);
          if (num_to_add == this_num) {

    // because we built the permutations in a List,
    // convert the list to an int array for return
    int[] perm_return = new int[perm.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i &lt; perm.size(); i++) {
      perm_return[i] = perm.get(i);
    return perm_return;

View the entire Java file in GitHub.

Here’s all my solutions in GItHub: