Perl Weekly Challenge: Word Reverse String Sort

I’m posting really late this week because this was a special week for my wife and I: 19 years ago this past Wednesday, I managed to get her alone during intermission of the production of Guys and Dolls we were in, and I asked her out on a date. I guess the date went well, because 19 years later we’re still together.

To celebrate, we went into Manhattan and went to see two musicals in one day: a matinee of Wicked, one of the musicals my wife was in love with when we met, and an evening performance of a new musical my wife wanted to see: Back to the Future. For today’s musical accompaniment, I’m presenting “For The Dreamers“, one of the new songs from the show.

But now that’s over, and my wife is off at rehearsal for the show she’s doing right now, so let’s sort some strings and reverse some words for Perl Weekly Challenge 278!

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