Perl Weekly Challenge: Relatively Lucky

This week I’m having trouble locking in on a musical theme. With the tasks being “Lucky Integer” and “Relative Sort”, nothing really jumps out at me. I finally decided that “Lucky” was the key, and that made me think of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer’s Lucky Man.

Now that we have our musical accompaniment, we can work on Perl Weekly Challenge 284!

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Perl Weekly Challenge: Bag! Bag! Bag!

“Bag!” “Bag?”
“Bag! Bag!” “What do you mean, bag, bag?”
“Bag! Bag! Bag!” “What bag?”
“No bag!” “No bag?”
“Your bag! Suddenly! Here! Now—gone!”

When I saw the tasks for this week, my programming brain immediately screamed “Bag!” (it’s becoming my favorite class for PWC problems) and the moment that happened, my theater brain immediately went to Vicky and Roger in Noises Off. My wife, however, pointed out that Noises Off isn’t a musical, so she suggested this week’s musical theme, Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag. James Brown is certainly appropriate accompaniment to Perl Weekly Challenge 283

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Perl Weekly Challenge: Appear Twice, Count Once

There’s no relation to the problems for this week’s musical theme. Earlier this week, my wife and I watched the documentary Gordon Lightfoot: If You Could Read My Mind, so you’re getting my favorite Gordon Lightfoot song… Canadian Railroad Trilogy.

So now, while we’re listening to the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, let’s construct some code as part of Perl Weekly Challenge 280!

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