I’m not really feeling music recently. I’m not feeling much of anything, but I need to do the challenge. So here’s Perl Weekly Challenge 296.
Author Archives: packy
Perl Weekly Challenge: No music, only numbers
I was able to work on task 1 on Monday, but I haven’t been able to focus since. Here’s three solutions for task 1 of Perl Weekly Challenge 294.
Perl Weekly Challenge: Oh, oh, Domino!
Don’t wanna discuss it
Think it’s time for a change
You may get disgusted
Start thinking that I’m strange
I mean, I guess I am strange for always wanting to include music in the weekly challenge, but with a first challenge like this, how could I not link to Van Morrison’s Domino.
There’s no need for argument in Perl Weekly Challenge 293.
Perl Weekly Challenge: One Challenge, Twice Large
You didn’t know what the Weekly Challenge was / Until you met a hacker on a Github bus / I got there in the nick of time / Before he got his code across your git commit line…
Yeah, yeah, it’s a stretch, but it’s an excuse to pull out Ian Hunter’s Once Bitten, Twice Shy (yes, Ian Hunter).
So you got the rhythm, you got the speed, you got Perl Weekly Challenge 292.
(sorry I’m only doing one challenge this week; it’s been a rough week)
Perl Weekly Challenge: You Got to Know When to $HOLD Them
This week’s Perl Weekly Challenge task 2 is about poker hands, so the musical theme this week has to be Kenny Rogers’ The Gambler.
So ante up and let’s deal out for Perl Weekly Challenge 291.
Perl Weekly Challenge: Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Luhn
Not every time is the music that the Perl Weekly Challenge inspires going to be a Broadway show tune, a banger from classic rock, or even a baroque fugue. Sometimes, it’s going to be a marketing jingle: 🎶 Double your pleasure, double your fun, with double good, double good, Doublemint Gum! 🎶
See, it’s because “Luhn” rhymes with fun. No? Fine, let’s chew on Perl Weekly Challenge 290 for a little bit.
Perl Weekly Challenge: Tirhd Mumixam Prel Welkey Caelhlnge
When I think about the second task and how it jumbled words, my mind immediately went to Lewis Carroll, and that meant that tonight’s musical theme needed to be Jefferson Airplane’s White Rabbit.
So let’s feed your head on Perl Weekly Challenge 289!
Perl Weekly Challenge: A Man, A Plan, A Canal… PANAMA!
So, when someone mentions palindromes, my mind immediately jumps to my favorite book on mathematics, algorithms, music, art, and philosophy: Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter. This was the book that introduced me to the idea of a musical palindrome, a piece of music that sounds the same played forwards and backwards, and the author cites J.S. Bach’s Crab Canon as an example.
So let’s approach Perl Weekly Challenge 288 from both sides… (no, no, I will not change the theme to Joni’s Clouds).
Continue readingPerl Weekly Challenge: Strong but Valid
This week the peek into my brain comes via the first task, Strong Password. Immediately, I thought of David Wilcox’s, Strong Chemistry. Likening passwords to the emotional pull of an ex-lover is probably strange, but, hey, I never claimed to be normal.
With the musical setting out of the way, let’s dive right into Perl Weekly Challenge 287.
Perl Weekly Challenge: Spammer Game
For some reason, my brain saw “Order Game” and I thought “Circle Game“. Perhaps because my wife and I watched a Joni Mitchell documentary last week.
Anyway, let’s go round and round to the Perl Weekly Challenge 286.